A Suspicious Escape

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Kakashi watched as the man in front of him staggered and fell to the side. Water and mud splashed from his large weight, and the smell of sake wafted up as he released a long exhale. Given the man's susceptibility to genjutsu, it was obvious he wasn't a ninja.

Kakashi shook his head. Sooner. If only he had gotten here sooner, had walked her home.

It was dark, and the small alley blocked out any light from the main street. The silhouette of Chiisai's small frame sat against the brick wall of the building. There was a gash across her cheek, and decorating her forehead were swelling, bloody scrapes. The side of her temple was wet with blood, and Kakashi cursed under his breath.

His blank expression slowly deepened into a scowl as he stepped toward the unconscious man, his hands now curled into fists. It was unlikely to see crimes such as this in a hidden village, but it wasn't unheard of. The man was large and strong enough to take down a woman with Chiisai's stature. With most ninja gone on missions, it left gaps open inside local security.

Kakashi sighed, reigned in his anger, and turned back to the situation at hand. There was no use in letting his anger get the best of him.

Kakashi stepped towards her, his shoe contacting something solid. He raised his foot up and glanced down. Her book was still in the bag. Disregarding the novel, Kakashi crouched down and slid an arm under Chiisai's back, lifting her upper body up. She leaned against him, her clothes drenched from the rain. He cradled the back of her head, and his eyes widened as he pulled his hand back.

Warm blood covered his fingers, his glove- there must be a major gash. He glanced up at the wall- there- an exposed nail, sticking half an inch out, and it was wet with blood.

A ragged noise escaped Chiisai's lips. Her black eyes blinked up at him, and his heart sank.

 Her black eyes blinked up at him, and his heart sank

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"Chiisai." Kakashi's voice filled the alley, sharp and clear despite the downpour. He needed to assess her awareness. Her clothes were disheveled but intact. Good. Her bag was unopened and still across her body. What did the attacker want from her?

He pressed his fingers to her wrist, and though her breathing was shallow, her heart rate was within the normal limits.

Chiisai blinked up at him, her long lashes fluttering. Her lips parted and her eyebrows furrowed. Suddenly, she turned out of his arm and her body heaved. Kakashi quickly adjusted, pulling her loose strands of hair back as she bent over and vomited. Her body lurched again, her stomach emptying its contents on the mud surrounding them. The smell of bile filled the air. She collapsed back into him, and he carefully adjusted her to lay against his back.

"I'm taking you to the hospital," Kakashi said as he leaped onto the nearest roof. She definitely had a concussion, and the laceration on the back of her head was cause for worry.

"My seal," she forced out, "is it alright?"

The rain pelted them now, coming down in sheets. He furrowed his brow. "What seal?"

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