\\ Chapter 13 // Eris //

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T/W depictions of a mental health crisis.

Eris forced down her dinner. Every mouthful that hit her stomach wanted to bounce back up.

 She held it down.

She was sat at a large table full of chattering people. But she didn't say a word to them. She knew she should, but she didn't. Eris could tell the nurses were watching her. 

should say something, anything. If she was going to get through this and leave in the next 3 days, she had to play along.

Eris began making conversation with the girl opposite her, who complied as he speech ran away with her. 

Eris didn't care what the girl had to say, and any question Charlotte asked her she answered vaguely. She missed Nancy. Nancy's company. Her voice. Everything about her. She felt bad for ever ignoring her. But most of all she felt bad for not telling her where she was going.

 Nobody knew, apart from the people in the house yesterday evening. But they had all sworn not to tell. She wished she had spoken to Billy before she went. Even though he didn't want to speak to her. Even though he didn't care. She worried about him though. What would he do now if it happened again? where would he go? It wasn't her problem, but she still cared.

Suddenly the bell that signalled the end of dinner chimed. She felt two strong hands on her shoulders, pulling her up to her feet. It was two large men, their name tabs labelled them Gary and Brian. Such stereotypical men's names. She glanced around, most of the other people in the hospital had nurses escorting them back to their rooms. Why did she have these massive bodyguards?

The men in white escorted her back to her bedroom. She didn't want to go back there. But if she made any fuss it would guarantee her to stay. So she wandered with her head hanging low. 

Once again the echoes of screams pranced around her mind. She remembered once that while walking down this same corridor, she decided to run, knocking both nurses to the floor, scrambling down the hallway towards the large exit doors, obviously, she didn't make it, she was caught just before she gripped the handle.

Ahhh...that's why I have the bodyguards.

she smirked, as the bolts slammed open and she stumbled into the colourless room.

"I hate this fucking room"

she murmured, As she walked towards the bed, noticing a small parcel resting on her pillow. Eris picked it up, tracing her fingers along with the brown paper, before tearing it apart slowly.  

It was a book. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Eris immediately knew it was from Sofie. They had spoken much about this book. Following her parent's death, Eris had found herself relating to Jane. To her, the hospital had always felt like a mixture of the red room and the school. 

A/N for those who don't know about Jane Eyre and the story the red room in summary is basically where jane is put by her aunt in punishment for misbehaving although it isn't her fault. The school in the novel is also just a horrible place with strict rules that. I would defiantly recommend this book its a gothic romance and really sweet.

Eris lay on her bed, holding the book up and flicking through the pages, before finally landing on the quote she was looking for,

"There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures, and feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort."

Her heart throbbed at it. She wasn't into any of this lovey-dovey stuff. And if anybody said that to her In real as she would probably vomit on them. But it was a sweet line. It was that pride and prejudice type of love that just made you happy. Made you want to wear a corset and cry in a carriage.  She smiled and once again her mind wandered over the line,

All yours // Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now