We landed.

Our ride was already waiting.

Mama and her group traveled, as me, Isabella, Owen, Jerry and James traveled.

Within minutes we were at our hotel.

" Isabella " I called her from the bathroom.

" Yeah " she answered me then came to me dressed in her pj's.

" How was the flight? " I asked her.

" I slept through it " she said.

" Oh " I said while drying my hands.

We walked back to the bed and we laid down.

We talked for hours and hours then baby name's came up.

Valicity's POV

" Ezio what would you call it if it's a girl? " I asked him.

" Onika " he answered me.

" Middle name Tanya? " I asked and he said yep.

" What would you call our daughter? " he asked me.

" Maybe Leah or Emily " I responded.

" What about if it's a boy? " he asked me.

" I love the name Emmett " I answered him.

" You? " I asked him.

" Definitely Emilio " he said then rolled over.

Where have I heard that name before? I asked myself. I kept thinking about it for awhile.

" Woman go to bed we have a big day tomorrow " Ezio said to me.

I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.

The next day

Valicity's POV

It was 4 in the afternoon. I sat on the couch with Owen waiting for Ezio to get back.

The door burst open, a woman and a man barged in arguing. There were 6 porter's bringing in bags.

" No we wouldn't have been late if you didn't miss the flight yesterday " the woman yelled.

" It was for a good reason " the man yelled back.

" Carina, Cairo please not right now. " Owen said.

Ezio walked in behind them closing the door, heading straight for me.

" Carina Cairo this is my girlfriend Valicity " Ezio said to me and they stepped closer.

" Nice to meet you sweetheart. Yes we are twins " Cairo said.

" They are the family fashion designers " Ezio said and they smiled.

" Carina, Cairo. There is a tiny problem " Owen said.

" What problem? " Carina asked.

Ezio took my hand and I stood up as the blanket fell from my waist exposing my tummy.

I heard them gasped as I looked up to see their eyes wide open and Cairo's jaw was on the floor.

" We can fix that " Carina said while holding a scissors in her hand.

They ushered Ezio and Owen out of the room. They began removing all the dresses they packed in the bags on the floor.

The placed them down all over the room.

" This might take awhile " Cairo said.

They began trying dresses on me.

" Too tight ! "

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