Part 5: Show Time

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(Again, don't mind the image above. Just..... Dang, he pale! That man need some sunshine!)


[If you have time, I would like to share with you a rl story of mine just for fun, since it loosely fits into the "political" theme, I guess. XD ...Just scroll past the italicized words to skip this part if you want.

So, I went to this government camp, yeh? Was there for about a month with a bunch of other kids, learning about politics and stuff. We did things like mock trials, writing our own bills, reenacting the legislation process with said bills, aaaaand debating!

The biggest debate we did was on stage and it was more of an on the spot they all were. Our small group of a bunch of kids ranging from 15 to 18 were given the prompt, which I will not be sharing simply because that isn't important for the story, and were allowed to choose which side of the debate we wanted to be on. As much as I wanted to follow the bulk of the crowd to one bench, I personally didn't agree with that side. So...I turned to the other bench...

There was only one kid over there. The nerd stereotype incarnate, which, being a bit of a nerd myself.. not judging. I could tell he was Autistic just by looking at him; it ain't hard to spot your brethren! On the opposing side was EASILY 8 to 12 students! Not even exaggerating; we were SEVERELY outnumbered.

Both of our teams were given only 10 minutes to come up with both arguments and counter arguments before we had to debate. And each person could only come up on stage ONCE. Since I could tell my teammate was into facts and logic --heck, he carried a notebook everywhere and was constantly taking notes! I decided on a plan: for him to relay all of the facts up front and to stay in his comfort zone. I would then go after him to take the facts he had laid down and apply things such as metaphors and emotions to further state the argument and draw hearts to our side. He agreed, and we went over the basic talking points with what little time we had.

When it was time to debate, we sat quietly and listened to THREE of the opposing team's members going in a row, each tackling a different talking point regarding the matter. Then, my partner stepped up and laid down all the hard facts we had, deliberately and mercilessly. As I expected, his calculating nature made it hard for others to relate...but that's where I was planned to come in. I was glad he had done that part, though. Though I knew all of the facts as well, it can often be extremely hard for me to word them without tripping over myself! So I like to think we made a good team. XD

Three more opposing members stepped up after he went and gave their counter arguments. Then it was my turn... To be honest, I have NO idea what I said, but apparently it did the trick... I remember how stunned some people were when I left the stage. I often blip out when giving a speech, so I GENUINELY have no idea what I said, okay?! A couple other kids went up to counter argue but their points absolutely fell apart, judging by how they held themselves at least.

When it was time to see who had won, the crowd voted....


YAHOO! The two underdog Aspies! Haha!

And that, my dear readers, was my movie moment. 😎 ..]




A few lights flashed in your face as you rose to the stage, utterly confused. In the very center of the stage, a couch and chair faced one another indirectly. The host of the event, Ms. Minnae herself sat already, clapping softly for both you and him!

"Everyone, please introduce... Princess (Y/n)!" A man standing before the stage shouted to the crowd. The cheer erupted even more as all stood. Once at the near center of the stage, you grabbed your dress and curtsied. Herobrine bowed to the same audience at your right.

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