Part 4: Monsters

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You hoped that things would at least calm down in the months that followed your rescue... You still had to recover from a broken jaw, so, could life at least be considerate enough to give it a rest...?

Obviously, those were very childish wishes.

A new form of attacks came upon the populis. Immigrants from other seized countries were still flooding through your borders in droves. And with them trickled a new kind of threat.


Herobrine's own people; civilians of the other world, slipped into Amara with little to no push back. Creatures such as zombies, skeletons, weird slime people, endermen, and the occasional rumored dragon hybrid! These, and many more were spilling in, actively splitting the population in two.

Several of these monsters shown themselves to, strangely enough, actually be really nice and just wanting a place to stay... However, the majority of these new comers had no respect for the law, and so broke them carelessly. These crimes of course ranged from simple thievery to mass murder. You never knew what to expect when a monster entered the room. Would they be one of the nice ones? One that is sort of a nuisance but otherwise not much of a problem? Or one that was only out for blood? Because of that...many feared them.

But many also vouched for the good ones. "Gerald The Enderman Just Wants To Live a Settled Life," the titles of many newspapers began to spew. "Gerald told us this weekend, 'I always stood out back at home. Was called a wimp for not fighting like the rest. That is why I love Amara. Being peaceful is the norm. I no longer have to worry about protecting my home nearly as much as I once did.'" This was just one of the moving stories that swept over the country. There were those who began to think this meant ALL monsters were good, and there were those who refused to believe these stories were true at all. The two extremes split the people in an instant. There was no in-between it seemed. Either you loved monsters and wanted to allow ALL of them to coexist with humans without any form of psychopathy test, or you wanted them all slaughtered for the simple crime of existing.

Sad thing was you hardly had any time to form your own opinion on the matter. The extremes were both so pushy, they almost became untrustworthy. One half would spill nothing but good stories, while the other half would spill nothing but bad ones. And if you showed any signs of not agreeing 100% with one or the other, you would be hated by both!... At least you had a good excuse not to talk about it for a while...since your jaw was still healing.

Eventually, though, your jaw did heal, so you no longer had an excuse not to talk about it. Only half a year after Herobrine's vow, you could already feel the country beneath you shaking.

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"Knock knock~" A voice muffled by your door again spoke.

"Ughhhh, not now, Herobrine! Go pick on someone else for a change!" You groaned, praying internally that the man would not stick his head through the door again, since you were in the middle of changing. There wasn't much in your room to give you coverage, so you instead sped up your pace.

"Awhh.. Your father said the same thing... At this rate, I'm going to run out of people to annoy.." You could practically hear the man's shoulders slump. You rolled your eyes. "What are you doing in there anyways?"

"DON'T COME IN!!" You shrieked. So far, all you had on was a tank-top and some underwear. "I'm getting dressed!"

"Oh? Well, d###, now you've just filled my head with some impressive imagery.."

"You perv! Leave at once or I'll- I'll-... I'll...." Quickly, you realized how hard it would be to punish the mere hologram of someone.

"...Sorry. You'll what now?~" He teased.

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