Part 3: Three Thieves

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(Don't mind the image above. Just taking notes for myself. However, you are free to look if you want.)

"(Y/n)!... (Y/NNN)!!!" Your father called again and again as he ran through the hallways. It was still night, but he could tell something was off the moment he heard voices outside of his room. When he had opened the window to see what was going, he saw ropes and nothing more. Terrified, King Rodar had dispatched nearly ALL of his troops just to find you! But still, no word of you had come. In a panic, the king began to hyperventilate, the fact that he was running so much not helping any. "HEROBRINE, YOU B######, WHERE IS SHE!?!... HEROBRINE!!!" Immediately, the projection of the enemy king appeared, at once attempting to slap the other across the face in a rage. His hand, however, only phased through the good king, causing himself to spin a little.

"You dare call my name at random?! There is a reason I send my monsters after those who speak it!... It gets really annoying hearing so many voices saying nothing but my name at once with no way to block it..." King Rodar attempted to slap the Nether king back, but, predictably hit nothing but air.

"You took (Y/n)! I know you did!!!" Rodar screamed. Herobrine's brows contorted on his face, squinting through the darkness at the older man.

Finally, he responded with confusion.. "...No.. I...didn't take her."

"Then who did?!" King Rodar reached out to shake Herobrine, but he remembered quickly this was only a ghost-like image and not the real thing.

"I don't know! If I was behind it I would have done so in a much flashier, daring way! Not just steal her in the dark of the night! Sounds to me like the scheme of a petty thief!"

"Then help me find her, alright?! Please! I can't handle another loss under my roof!!" The good king took to breathing intensely again, showing Herobrine the true severity of the situation. Herobrine closed his mouth and eyes, tilting his head upward with his arms at his sides spreading outward just slightly, palms aiming up. "What doing?"

"Shh! I am finding her! How else do you think I know exactly where to project myself?! I can see long as you are quiet!" The enemy king growled through his teeth. King Rodar immediately fell silent as he waited curiously. This new knowledge partially crushed the king, knowing their efforts to catch Herobrine's spies were useless...since the enemy king didn't need one.

After a dozen or so long seconds of silence, Herobrine's eyes clicked open, his slightly shaking arms dropping again at his sides. "She's not far! Follow me!" Herobrine ordered, with his hands holding onto the air beginning to unnaturally hover stiffly through the hallway. King Rodar, mildly terrified, followed, calling with him many of his own men.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You came-to slowly, immediately noticing how uncomfortable you felt. You were hunching forwards, sitting up in a chair you were tied to. Over your head was a scratchy old potato sack, meaning you of course couldn't see anything but the specks of yellow light slipping through the holes.

You shifted, a little too scared to move a lot. Other shuffles were heard, so you froze in place.

"Well.. Looks like the princess is awake. Hhh. Alright, boys, let's talk to her." A woman sighed. Soon after, someone loosened the potato sack over your head and slipped it off.

Immediately, your eyes blinked open, adjusting to the single dangling light bulb above you quickly. You saw three figures standing in front of you: one girl and two boys. All three of them looked only a little older than you.

The woman, with her face mask down and hood fallen over her shoulders, revealed messy bright red hair wiggling its way out of her tight ponytail. She also had lots of freckles and pretty green eyes. Though she could have easily passed as an innocent young woman, her creased brows and almost sociopathic scare spoke otherwise.

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