Part 1: A Bet

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It was like nothing you could ever imagine... Portals appearing in the sky, on the ground, in caves. From the purple swirls encased in dark obsidian frames, emerged an army like none other. Undead pigs emerged, each playing a part in a massive hive-mind. Being undead, these monsters did not react to pain like the humans, making them a relentless foe with no fear of death. Their king: Herobrine, who was oddly human in appearance despite his glowing white eyes without pupils, lead his army just as ruthlessly. Within only four months, his kingdom had already toppled three of your neighboring kingdoms, slaughtering their royalty and enslaving their people. It was clear he had only one goal: conquer all.




"This has gone too far!! King Rodar, we MUST defend our allies, or else we won't have any left by the end of this!!" One well dressed looking knight stormed after his king, who was already speeding through the quartz hall at a fast rate.

"You don't understand things as I do, Michael! Scattering our troops across several different countries is exactly what he WANTS! We need to focus on our defense systems! We have a massive influx of immigration on our hands as well. Too little food to give them; too little supplies to provide shelter for them! And on top of ALL of that, Herobrine has made it clear that he has no interest in peace! He will stop at nothing until we are all killed or enslaved!" The king roared, stomping up to a pair of pearly white doors in a fury. Knocking on it ferociously, "(Y/n), come out of your room for once in your life!!"

On the other side of the door, you sprung up in bed, wild hair taking the form of a rat's nest, the makeup you forgot to clean off last night smudged all over your face. Groggily, you groaned as you stretched. "What...time is i-?"

"I know you're in there, (Y/n)!" Your father again slammed his fist into the door.

"Easy now... She's just lost her mother.." Another voice spoke softly behind the door.

"You mean MY wife! And I'm not trying to sound rude, but all of this chaos is starting to really stress me out!! (Y/n), I want you out of your room, pronto!" You rubbed your eyes, sighing when you saw the dark shades of makeup smeared all over it. Eyeing the window in your room just past the curtains, you deducted it was probably 9 or 10 o-clock. Dang it...

"Uh-.. C- coming, Dad!" You sprung out of bed, quickly as possible splashing water from the sink onto your face, scrubbing the remains of last night's makeup off, and dressing into a gown that at least was a little more formal than pajamas. When you emerged from your room at last, your father was tapping his foot impatiently.

"I thought you said you were going to be quick."

"I never said that! But I came as fast as I could!"

Glancing up and down your attire, "...I can tell." The man behind him: the king's most trusted advisor and loyalest of friends, shrugged a sorry shrug to you. With your head down in shame, you followed behind your father and Michael swiftly through the halls, hoping this day would be over with already.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Everyone sat at the dining table, a little late for breakfast..but also too early for lunch. The light colored walls easily bounced around the natural light from outside, which spilled in through the walls of glass on both the east and west walls of the large room. Off to the side of the side of this room, by the windows, was an array of lounging tables and couches. All of which hadn't been used now in almost 5 months...since Herobrine had arrived.

You, your father, Michael, and a few other advisors all stood or sat around the table. The fancily dressed advisors, who all but Michael had long white beards nearly reaching their knees, murmured at the opposite end of the table as you and your father ate. Michael stood as a mediator, occasionally walking back over to the advisors to receive a few words from, which he would then whisper back to the king. All of the whispering and murmuring was a little unnerving, especially since you knew what they were generally talking about. But, you tried your best to think positively and speak about other things with your father, who at the time was barely in the mood to eat --too anxious to sit so still for long.

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