45: change is good

Start from the beginning

I swiped across and held the phone up to my ear, "Hello, Harold."

"Char, where the hell did you disappear to?"

"What, are you having troubles locating me Mr. Styles?" a giggle left my mouth and I covered it quickly.

"Yeah. I checked the bedroom, and you weren't there. So I figured you were on the balcony, and yet again you weren't there. So I went and checked in the pool room, and you weren't there either."

"Well, you better keep looking then."

"You're really not going to tell me where you are?"

"Nope!" I said, popping the 'p'. "Better keep searching, Styles."

"You're difficult."

"Eh, I'm worth it," I laughed loudly.

"I know where you are. I never checked in the family room. You're probably there. See you in ten seconds."

"Bye Harry," I pulled the phone away from my ear and tapped the end button.

The yard was silent before I heard the door pop back open. I looked up to see Georgia walking out, a smile on her face.

"Hey Georgie," I greeted, smiling up at her.

"Charli! Oh my gosh, your hair looks amazing!" she squealed and ran over to me, sitting at the foot of the chair.

"Thanks!" I smiled at her. "I needed a change."

"Well, it looks so good baby sis!"

My phone went off again, and I quickly answered the call, "Yes?"

"Where are you? I give up."

"Nope. You can find me yourself," I laughed and hung up the phone. I turned to look back at Georgia. "Harry is trying to find me. You didn't see him did you?"

"He was calling your name when I came out here, but I never saw him."

"Good. He hasn't got a clue where I am and it's quite funny."

"I won't tell him then. I just saw you head out here when you came in, and wanted to just say hi quickly. I should go back though."

"Is it too much to ask if you to go back through the pool room?" I queried, hoping she'd agree.

"I guess so. Is this like a cute couples version of hide and seek?"

"We're not a couple, so no. This is just a Harry's slow version of Where's Charli."

"When are you just going to come to terms that you like that boy?"

I bit my lip and looked up at her nervously and mumbled, "Erm, about an hour ago?"


"Yeah. It hit me today when I was talking with Maggie-"

"You went and saw Maggie without me!?" she huffed and crossed her arms. "How could you not tell me?"

"It was a spur of the moment thing, and you and Niall were too busy. Although, he was probably sleeping. He came in my room and bugged us at one a.m. last night."

"Yeah, he mentioned something about you two making babies or whatnot."

"Excuse me? He what?"

"He said you got really into it last night. Even called him out about leaving."

"That guy never could keep a secret."

"Please be careful...?" she begged.

"We were kissing, Georgie. That's the most we've ever done. I'm not going to sleep with him."

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