Why am I suddenly a target?

          The class bristled, clearly listening in and Kaminari asked, "Oho, what's this? A declaration of war from one of the strongest in class?"

          Kirishima stepped up, placing a placating hand on Todoroki's shoulder but he shrugged it off, "Hey, what's with this all of a sudden? Don't spring this on them right before —"

          Todoroki rudely interrupted him, "We're not here to make friends."

          "Just don't lose after all this big-talk, Todoroki," she yawned and he narrowed his eyes at her, about to speak up when Midoriya cut him to the chase.

          "I have no idea what you want with me by telling me all that. I know you're stronger than I am. I think the vast majority of people here are no match for you, except for Hayashi-san — I know that so I won't just sit back while you speak to her that way," Kirishima was about to cut in, holding out a placating hand, as if trying to become a mediator but her finger moved faster and she pushed his arm back to his side, urging him to keep quiet and let Midoriya speak. Nobody noticed this except for him. Midoriya then continued with Arisa gazing at the side of his face, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her elbow sleeve, "Everyone — even kids from the other departments are doing their very best so not even I can just let myself lag behind the others," his features steeled and grew more determined, making her smile slightly, "So, I'm going to go for it with all my might too!"

          Arisa laughed and gave him a pat on his back but she didn't realize her hand was heavy on impact so he stumbled forward slightly, "Way to go, Midoriya but the long speech was totally unnecessary. Borderline cringe but it was good. Good job."

          "Hayashi-san," he cried comically, embarrassed.

          "Hmph," was all Todoroki said as he walked away and she made a face when he turned away.

          The tension had dispersed and Iida called out loudly, "Everyone. It's time!"

          Arisa walked out the room but was captured by the girls. Ochako hung on her right arm while Mina hung on her left. Surrounding her were the rest of the girls who immediately dragged her away towards the tunnel which connected to the arena. Ochako jumped up and down beside her, "That was so tense back there!"

          "Can't believe Todoroki is targeting you," Mina exhaled.

          "Let's go, girls. Let's go do our best," Momo cut in as they all walked to the edge of the tunnel, already hearing cheers echoing about the large stadium. She could hear Present Mic's voice echoing outside.

          "You're here to see them, right? The freshly formed miracle stars that shrugged off a mass villain assault with wills of steel — the department of Heroics, freshman class. You're here for class 1-A, right?!"

          She sighed as they walked out, immediately hit by the cheers and energy from the people that came to watch.

          Way to go painting a target on our backs, Present Mic.

          "Whoa," she could hear someone shakily exclaim. Honestly, she was uncomfortable by the attention and the hundreds pairs of eyes currently on them right now. Arisa was used to working in the shadows, never put on a pedestal so this was slightly jarring for the girl. Even so, she tried her best to move and carry herself confidently — Arisa wasn't someone meek. She always stood tall. It would take more than this to intimidate her.

          Present Mic's commentary continued, "And following class B, here come classes C, D and E from the department of general education. Now, here are classes F, G and H from the department of support!"

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