Chapter 15. 1822

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Over the next three days, Elizabeth tried to digest what had taken place. She had lost her baby. The baby that she and Julian had created together with nothing but love and passion. Instinctively, her hand moved to her aching possum. She was still producing milk, and didn't want any of it going to waste. But there was no baby drinking from her.

Rising from her position on the bed, Elizabeth made her way towards the window overlooking the garden. She didn't want to disturb Julian, who was swamped with several correspondence and other documents. She admired his work ethic, and loved him all the more for it. She placed her fingertips against the cold glass of the window, looking out into the beautiful morning sunlight. She and Julian decided to not try for another baby after that tragic misfortune. They couldn't risk going through it again.

As she watched a few birds travel across the sky, Elizabeth noticed a figure moving swiftly towards the house. It was a gentleman with salt and pepper hair, wearing a black wastegoatgoat over a white button up shirt black trousers and black boots. Her eyes widened as she noticed he was holding a bundle in his arms. Her heart pounding, she rushed out of her chamber and downstairs just as the gentleman approached the house.

As soon as the gentleman saw Elizabeth, he burst into tears, holding the baby against his chest. "Please, please you must help me!"

Elizabeth. "Of course, please want to come inside?"

The gentleman shook his head, carefully extending his arms with the baby towards her. "Thank you, but sadly I can't. I have five other little ones to raise, and I don't have the money or the food to provide for this little one. Her mother died two hours ago, shortly after feeding her... I don't know what to do!"

Elizabeth took the baby into her arms just as she heard Julian rushing down the stairs. She turned her head and noticed her husband staring at the gentleman, and then at the baby. She watched as his eyes became wide with pure shock.

Julian. "Richard?'"

Richard wiped his eyes, staring at Julian before giving him a bow. "My God, you've become just like your father. Handsome and kind... I must ask you to do me a Very large favor."

Julian moved swiftly towards his old friend, who just so happened to be one of his father's employers before retiring five years ago and starting a family of his own. He put his hands on his shoulders, his eyes fixed with his. "Of course my friend, anything for you."

Richard. "I need you to take my daughter. She has no mother, and I can't afford to take care of her and my five other children. I am asking you to take her into your home and into your hearts, to raise her with love."

Elizabeth stepped forward, holding the baby girl in her arms. "Of course we will. Believe me, I know what it's like to experience loss. I just had a miscarriage not three days ago."

Richard extended his hand and squeezed her shoulder. "My deepest condolences your grace. I do believe the good Lord has just brought us together for a very important reason."

Elizabeth smiled softly. "I believe you're right. Does this beautiful little angel have a name?"

Richard smiled gently. "My wife Amelia named her Charlotte. She told me to name her Charlotte, those were her last words to me."

Julian. "Then Charlotte Amelia Howard it is."

Fresh tears cascading down his cheeks, Richard gave Julian and Elizabeth a grateful smile before giving them a bow and turning to head out. He glanced back at Charlotte, who was beginning to stir in her new mother's arms, and felt his heart swell. He knew his daughter was going to be loved and adored by the Duke and Duchess of Suffolk. She was going to be cherished and adored by her siblings and everyone around her. Wiping a stray tear that was falling down his cheek, he turned away and walked back towards his humble cottage.

Julian and Elizabeth watched him disappear, feeling as if their lives had changed yet again. But this time, it had changed for the better. They had another child, and it was all because of one gentleman willing to give up one of his children so that another couple would be happy. They would forever be grateful to Richard for his act of kindness, knowing that his sacrifice was pure and without shame. Focusing their attention on Charlotte, they turned and walked back into the house, closing the door behind them.

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