Chapter 14. 1822

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In the blink of an eye, Gregory and Penelope were two years old, and little bundles of energy. They ran around with their siblings, laughing and squealing every chance they could. Of course, there was always the occasional argument between them, but it was quickly resolved.

James Diana and William adored their siblings, wanting to protect them and each other whenever someone was sad, one sibling was always there to comfort them. They strive to make sure that they were happy and content, never having a care in the world.

Julian and Elizabeth couldn't help but smile as they watched the children running around the courtyard, their arms intertwined around one another. Their children's happiness was all that mattered to them, as well as their own joy. There was never a dull moment at Suffolk Manor, and that was how they loved their home to be. At the moment, the two of them were trying to figure out how to tell their children that they would have another brother or sister. It was the beginning of February, and Elizabeth was newly declared to be expecting.

Julian moved his hand gently across her small belly. "Do you believe we should tell them today?"

Elizabeth giggled. "I believe we should wait another week, just to make sure that nothing happens."

Julian chuckled. "I believe that's a good idea my love."

James. "Mama, Papa, come and play with us!"

Smiling, Julian and Elizabeth agreed, moving to play with their children. They played several games together, like catch and a game of cat and mouse. There a Laughter Echoed through the trees and the air, love flowing all around them. If anyone came by and noticed the family, they would instantly know that the Suffolk family was filled with nothing but love and happiness. After playing outside for several more minutes, they walked back into the house with their fingers intertwine.


Unfortunately, a week later, that happiness became tragic.

Elizabeth awoke to a sharp pain in her abdomen, and before she could process what was happening, she watched as blood began to pour from her. A deep red stain was beginning to form on the sheets, and she started to cry. Her body was shaking with heavy sobs as she heard Julian walk into the room.

Julian was frozen in the doorway, his heart sinking as he saw his wife in her current condition, saw the blood spreading on the sheets. He swallowed hard, and then started crying himself as he moved towards her. Sinking down onto the bed, he gathered her gently in his arms and held her close, feeling her arms slide around his neck and her head rest against his chest.

They held one another, their tears mingling together as the realization of what was taking place struck them both in the heart like a knife. They had lost their child. The life of their baby had been taken before it had even begun. They held each other for what seemed like ages, knowing that they couldn't tell their children the good news. Because the news was no longer good.

However, little did the Duke and Duchess of Suffolk realize that their tragedy was soon going to be turned into a miracle. But that miracle wouldn't happen through their own process of conception. That miracle would be given to them from a very unexpected source.

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