Chapter 11. 1820

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By the beginning of March, Elizabeth knew she wasn't expecting just one baby. She was, in fact, feeling two pairs of movement, both strong, with one being a little stronger than the other. She couldn't believe she was going to have four children. Rising from her position on the chaise in the drawing room, she walked towards Julian's office to tell him of her discovery. Knocking quietly on the door, and after receiving a reply from within, she poked her head into the room.

Julian was seated at his desk, sorting through a stack of correspondence and other documents. He smiled as he glanced at his wife. "Hello darling."

Elizabeth returned his smile, walking into the room and sitting down on the chaise across from the desk after kissing him sweetly. "Hello my love, I do hope I wasn't disturbing you."

Julian. "Not at all, is everything all right?"

Elizabeth. "Everything is fine, James and Diana are playing outside with Mrs. Bradley as we speak. But that's not why I've come to speak with you. I've just made quite the discovery about our newest arrival."

Julian put down his pen, raising one eyebrow. "Have you? and what is that discovery?"

Elizabeth took his hands, placing them gently on her abdomen. "Julie and my love, I have just made the discovery that I am not carrying only one baby."

Julian's eyes became wide. "Do you mean you're expecting twins?"

Elizabeth. "I believe so, I've been feeling more than one pair of little feet moving around in there."

Julian started stroking her belly, his eyes welding up with tears as he felt two points of movement under his fingertips. His arms intertwined around her waist, pulling her gently to him for a sweet kiss. "My darling, this is absolutely wonderful. Do you believe we are going to have another boy and girl?"

Elizabeth giggled, kissing him back. "I'm not sure my love, but I am hoping for another boy and girl. That way James and Diana can have a sibling to play with."

Julian. "That would be wonderful."

Smiling, they exchanged a sweet and tender kiss before Elizabeth left her husband to his work. She smiled to herself, rubbing her belly lovingly. The idea of having two more children becoming a part of their family had her heart overflowing with love and happiness. She couldn't wait to tell James and Diana that they would possibly have a brother and a sister by that summer.

Stepping out of the house and moving towards the courtyard, Elizabeth noticed Mrs. Bradley running towards her, James not far behind. Both had very pale faces, and their eyes were wide with fear. Her heart plummeted as she noticed that Diana wasn't with them. She rushed towards the nanny and her stepson, her eyes wild with panic. "What happened?"

Mrs. Bradley. "Master James and Miss Diana were playing in the Rosegarden not 10 feet from where I was your grace, and then this gentleman approached. He said that he was wanting to speak with Diana alone."

James was crying. "He said he had candy for her mama, but then he took her away!"

Elizabeth felt the color disappear from her face. She knew exactly who had kidnapped her daughter. Instructing Mrs. Bradley to take James inside, she followed them into the house and went straight to Julian's office again.

Startled, Julian glanced up, and noticing how distressed Elizabeth was, put his pen down and stood up immediately. He moved swiftly towards his wife, taking her hands into his. "What is it?"

Elizabeth could barely get the words out as tears cascaded down her cheeks. "George has taken Diana."

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