Prom #2

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Summary: end of prom night + after prom sleepover

Aiden's POV:
We danced until all the slow songs were done. Then I suggested that we get some punch and Ash agreed. She grabbed my hand and basically ran over there. I'm relieved she's having a good time because I honestly wasn't sure she would. Normally she's not into loud places with lots of people. We get some punch and chit-chat.
"We should find the others." Ash says. I nod.
"Yeah. Hey- let's all have a sleepover at my house." I suggest.
"Sure." She says, taking a sip of her punch.
"Also my car is here, so we can just go straight to my house." I add. She nods. Just then Taylor and Ben come up to us.
"Tay," she looks at me "wanna have a sleepover at my house? So far Ash is coming but we're gonna try to get everyone."
"Sure!" Taylor says excitedly putting her Arm around Ash. "Oh, but let's find Ty before him and Logan make out or something." Ash snort-laughs at Taylor's remark. We walk around a bit and find them. They're sitting down drinking punch."Hey homos! Let's go!" Tay yells. They walk over and we go to the car.

Ashlyn's POV:
We get in the car and I sit down in the back in between Aiden and Taylor. Ben is driving and our stuff is next to him. In the middle is Tyler and Logan and some cookies Aiden stole.

*time skip: at Aidens*

We pull into the driveway and get out of the car. While we were in the car I had slipped off my shoes so now I was carrying them.
     We got inside and I threw myself onto Aidens couch.
"Hey, Ash, uhm what're you gonna wear?" Tay asks. Oh right, I think about it for a sec. Tay allready has clothes to change into because she was planning to sleepover at my house. Because of that I now had nothing to wear but this dress.
"Ash I have some clothes that might fit you." Aiden says. I sigh.
"Sure." I say. He throws a pair of sweats at me and a tee-shirt with a smiley face. I go to the nearest restroom and change. The sweats are long and baggy but there are some strings to tighten it. I pull them and make a bow. Then I slide on the tee shirt. Smells like him. I fashion-model-walk out of the bathroom and Taylor yells,
     "SLAY!" at me while I pass her. I sit next to her. We watch a horror movie called 'cabin in the woods' and it kinda terrified me. I know it's weird that I can live a nightmare every night but am scared of cliche horror movies but the jump scares hurt my ears.
     Aiden slides in the seat next to me after he finishes changing. To calm my nerves I play with the drawstring of the pants I'm wearing. He notices my fidgeting. He puts his hand out and I grab it, intertwining our fingers.
     A jump scare happens and I squeal. Not only did the noise hurt my ears but it is kinda a lot. I don't have a way of explaining it other than it giving me sort of a sensory overload and everything being too much. I shut my eyes tight as to not over react but I think Aiden notices.
     "Want me to turn it down?" He asks slinging his arm around my shoulders. I nod in response and he does so.
     Taylor hooks her arm around mine. I love my friends. We finish the movie me squealing on occasion and hiding behind Taylor or Aidens shoulders.
     After, we have a pillow fight. Aiden lunges at Tyler and smacks a stiff pillow square in his face. Taylor wheezes and chokes out laughs. Logan chucks a pillow at her from across the room. This causes her to laugh more. Ben lightly tosses pillows around as not to hurt anyone. Aiden continuously aims for Ben or Tyler. I throw I million pillows at Tyler and then, to my surprise, Aiden turns to me, looks me dead in the eye, and chucks one at me. I catch it, and throw it back to him.
     After lots of pillow fighting, we all get pooped.
     "I'm so tired." I say. Aiden nods.
     "Same" says Ty. We all get up and walk to Aidens room. Well we try. I was racing Tyler up the stairs and I heard a crack. Following that was shooting pains up from a bit below my ankle to my mid shin. I'd rolled my ankle, bad.
     "SHIT!" I fall backward landing on my back. I'm winded and can't breathe. Aiden lends me a hand and I try to stand up, but it results in me falling again, though, less hard this time. Aiden looks worriedly at Ben. Ben shrugs. Ben writes something down and shows it to Aiden. Aiden nods. Aiden scoops me up and rushes me to his room. He then plops me down on his bed, the rest of the group closely following.
Aidens POV:
     I drop her on my bed so she's sitting comfortably leaning back propped up on her hands. I gently touch each side of her ankle. She winces. "Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" she whispers under her breath. I let go.
     "Hey, listen," I sit next to her. "Bens mom is a nurse and she taught him some stuff. I just need to see how it hurts, Kay? Rate it from one to ten. Ten being the worst." I explain standing up again. "Oh, and, if anything hurts to bad tell me to stop and I will." She nods. Her breathing is shaky, possibly because she just got winded, or maybe from pain. I put my hand back on her ankle, even gentler this time. She breathes in deeply.
     "Eight." She tells me. I move around her ankle slowly. "STOP!" She yells. I let go immediately. I look at Ben. He goes to google translate on his phone and types, [Its broke] then he plays it aloud so everyone can hear. Ben bandages it up to keep it from moving around too much and then when he's done everyone else sits down on the bed. I sit next to her. I grab her shins and put her legs on mine to elevate them, cause I heard that's what you're supposed to do with broken bones. She leans her head on my shoulder. I realize there are developing tears in her eyes.
     "I'm sorry." She whispers.
     "Hey, hey, what for?" I ask.
     "I ruined the night." She sniffles.
     "Nah, I got to go to prom with a gorgeous, caring, brave, smart, funny, girl and I wouldn't trade this night for the world." I whisper back. She sniffles, laughing.
     "I'm flattered." She smirks a bit. I'm glad we're close now, I don't know how I was living without her light in my life before, though.

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