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(This happens right after 'halfway to deaths door' so essentially it's a part two)

Aidens POV:

She lets go and lays her head on my shoulder. One of my arms is still around her waist but the other is resting on my knee.
"Hm?" She hums.
"Uhm- well, I uh-" I look at Ashlyns' face and she looks worried an confused. "Well, can we talk?"
"About what?" She asks.
"Anything, I just don't want to think right now." I blurt out.
"Mkay." She smiles at me, worriedly. It still makes my heart melt, though. The way her charming green eyes squint and her dimples become more defined when she smiles. The way the ends of her lips curl up and how her nose scrunches. Everything about her was perfect. Then I realize we're back to sitting in silence, what I didn't want, however these thoughts aren't what I wanted to get away from, their actually a relief, as well as being one of the main reasons I chose to talk to Ashlyn.
"Ash, you're pretty cute, you know that right?" I ask her. She giggles.
"Duh" she rolls her eyes and flips her hair away from her face sassily. I chuckle.
"I mean really, though." I tell her.
"I'm pretty average." She responds.
"No. You're rare."
"I'm not just saying this, scientifically you are rare." She squints in confusion. I sigh, "you have green eyes, red hair, not very many people have freckles, and you're grades are all A's, which is not exactly average here."
"Oh." She seems surprised by my point. "I guess." She smiles a bit. "Well you're quite charming if I do say so myself." She says. My face turns a light red.
"I know." I give her a peck on the cheek.

10 minutes later*

Ashlyns POV:

We were cuddling a bit under the blanket we shared. This all felt familiar. Comfortable. Safe. We'd done it before at my house. We shared a blanket, cuddled a bit, talked, laughed, vented, cried, everything.

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