22. Like when...

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Bruno's sitting alone on the couch, right where he sat when Jessica left. He's holding a piece of paper and writting down some lyrics that has just come to his mind. He's getting hugry and decides to go out for breakfast when there's a knock on the door and Marianne walks in.

"Oh! Thanks God you're finally here, Mari." Bruno greets and yells from the couch "I thought you wouldn't come! I'm starving!"

"Oh! Sorry! Next time, feel free to call me if you wake up and your breakfast isn't here" Marianne says as she walking toward the kitchen "What'd you like to have this morning?"

"I'll have... chef choice"

 "Okay! 10 minutes!" Marianne tells him as she starts cooking. She glances at Bruno and sees him with a piece of paper in his hand, writing something "writing song?"

"kind of" he answers but puts the paper down.

Marianne notices something unsual; he usually gets as close to the food as possible but this time, he's just sitting on the couch, doing nothing. He was writing something a moment ago but now he's just sitting there, starring out pointlessly.

"Is everything alright?" Marianne asks. Bruno sighs and walking to the counter which is the closest thing to the dinning table he has in his apartment.

"yeah, everything is okay" he answers.

Marianne places the salad bowl in front of him and stares at him for a while and says "no, it's not. What's wrong?"

Bruno just stands there with no answer so she turns back to eggs and bacon in the pan.

"Jessica was here" he says

"What you mean?" Marianne asks as she turns back to him with the food. "She was here? When? Where is she now?"

Bruno takes the food to the couch, followed by Marianne with the utensils who hasn't got the answer she asked.

"Oh my god! It can't be!" Marianne exclaims out of nowhere

"What can't be?" asks Bruno who is about to bit a sausage and suddenly worried if there's anything in it.

"Jessica was here?" Marianne asks and Bruno nods then she continues "Jessica your girlfriend? Sexy latina with super model makes up and body?"

Bruno nods and bites his sausage, thinking it's safe.

"Did you just fight with her and she ran away?" Marianne asks

"Yeah, why? Wait! how did you know?"

"I think I met her"

"When?" Bruno asks, interested

"Just a moment ago. In front of the apartment" Bruno nods, mindlessly so Marianne adds "On the staircase. Crying." Marianne's upset when Bruno continues eating, acting like he doesn't care. She grabs his hand and catches the sausage on his fork in her mouth

"what?" he fusses.

Marianne swallows it and says "stop acting like you don't care!" she pauses and takes another bite of the sausage "I don't know what you were thinking but you shouldn't have said that. She was heartbroken"

"what?!" he says and realizes it was the exactly same word in exactly same way of expression so he adds "what I shouldn't have said?"

"that she uses you for your money! It was cruel!"

"how did you know?"

"She told me, of course" Marianne answers

"She told you that in your first met!?" Bruno asks raising his voice "did she know who you are?!"

Beauty and a Beat (A Bruno Mars Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now