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KANON: "Welcome."

AKI: "Oh, hey. Nice to see you don't have your headphones on this time."

KANON: "Well, I thought you'd be waiting for us. So there was no point in wearing them.
It's not like you're a stranger I can shy away from anymore."

AKI: "True, we did take that plummet together on Kōzushima."

KANON: "EHH?! P-Please don't remind me

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KANON: "EHH?! P-Please don't remind me..."

AKI: "Anyway, I'm here on School Idol Fansite business today. I'd hate to keep all NINE of you waiting."

KANON: "R-Right! Our new members really want to meet you."

AKI: "I don't see what's so exciting about me, but-"

KANON: "No, it's because of you that they're here!"

AKI: "...Eh?"



Walking through the school, I noticed how nicely renovated the different areas were.

I guess Liella!'s rise in popularity has been reflected on their school.

I guess Liella!'s rise in popularity has been reflected on their school

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AKI: "Good morning, everyone."

CHISATO: "'Uisuu!"

REN: "How nice to see you again."

KEKE: "Zzz..."


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Love Live!: SHOWTIME [PART 7]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora