Chapter 44 - Ghosts Present and Past

Comincia dall'inizio

At least four people could sit comfortably side by side against these weather-moulded rocks. I join him and pick up the container with the loaded fries. Pulling off the lid, I almost choke on the strong fragrance of the spicy food.

Sitting here in the fading light, comfortable against the smooth stone, eating in companionable silence is one of the most relaxing things I've done in a while. Hunter was right, the food is delicious, but I'm not even halfway through the flavour-filled meal when I simply cannot fit any more into my stomach.

"Thank you, Hunter, this was extremely good, but I cannot eat another bite. You can have the rest if you want it."

"Oh, Missy, you're making me so happy right now," he grins watching me place the virtually full container within his reach. I chuckle and push myself to my feet. The sun is setting and it's beautiful, though not nearly as awe-inspiring as the sunset we witnessed on the beach on Wednesday. There are too many clouds, but it is still very lovely and I'm happy that I'm able to see it.

"Do you come here often?"


The wind is starting to pick up, biting at my skin in spite of my woolly tracksuit. I sit down next to Hunter again, shivering involuntarily.

"You're cold," he says and to my horror, he puts the fork down and starts to remove his jacket.

"No!" I protest. "I couldn't possibly feel all warm and comfortable knowing that you're cold. I'm fine, really. The wind was just a bit sharp when I stood over there, but it's much better here."

"Willow, my body is really hot," he grins at me.

"It's always good to have a positive self-image," I assure him innocently and his grin turns into a laugh.

"I mean its temperature runs quite hot. I'm hardly ever cold. Except when I'm wet and there's wind. I'm not wet now, but this wind is the main reason I don't often come up here to watch the sunset."

I must still look very loath to take him up on his generous offer, because he suddenly relents, smiling warmly at me. 

"Okay, how about this?" He turns a bit, positioning himself at an angle to the rocks. "Squeeze in there. You can be my backrest. That way, the wind won't reach you and we'll keep each other warm."

Now, that I can live with. 

I scoot over, wedging myself into the opening between him and the rock so that I'm forming the third side in a small triangle, my shoulder supporting part of his back.


"Much, thank you."

This is rather good. I'm not cold anymore and I can rest the side of my head against Hunter's back. It is rather snug and comfortable and also very comforting. I listen to the soothing sounds of him eating what's left of the loaded fries. He already wolfed down his burger. I can hear his heartbeat. Rhythmic. Relaxing. Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub...

This is so peaceful.


I'm startled to find Hunter half-turned, trying to stop me from toppling over. From what I can see of his face, his expression is somewhere between amused and concerned.

"Are you okay?" he wants to know.

"Why is it suddenly so dark?" It's not completely dark, just much darker than two seconds ago.

"Did you really fall asleep?" Hunter chuckles.

"Did I?"

I must have!

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