Chapter 26: Published?

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Mr. Seay beckons to me at the end of class one day in late April. I write to him in my horse notebook.

What do you want?

Maria, a woman bought a copy of your story and wrote a letter to the author of the book. Here.

And he thrusts a letter on my desk. I open it.

Dear Maria Valasquez,

You are an incredible writer. Is this your first book? I am amazed that such a book could be written by a seventh grader. I work at an editing company, and I am completely convinced that your book would be a big hit. If you feel good about it, I shall look into getting the story published. I can look into paying for it as well, because obviously I cannot demand money from a seventh grader who didn't even ask for her story published. I am convinced that you will become a great author someday.

Yours truly, Gina Rodriguez

I stare at the letter and read it over and over. This lady thinks my book is amazing, and she wants to get it PUBLISHED? I mean, I didn't know my book was THAT good. I tap Tanisha on the shoulder as soon as we get out to recess. Then I show her the note.

Her face changes from confusion to surprise to amazement. She wants the book PUBLISHED? she signs.

I nod. Yeah! She said she wants to get it published and she'll pay for it!

Tanisha hugs me. This could get you a lot of money, you know!

I know all right. This could help my family get more money! And what's more, Mom tells me when I get home that Dad got a job at the car dealership that can give him a good amount of money to keep the family supported. And she's so proud when I tell her about the letter. I write to Veronica immediately and tell her about the most recent changes in my life, and give her a copy of the story in question. Then I remember why Veronica doesn't live with us.

Mom, if we're not going to be poor, can we adopt Veronica?

Mom thinks about that one.

Well... yes. After we get settled into the new job and stuff.

I add this to my letter to Veronica. She writes back two days later. She is so happy that we're not going to be poor for long and thrilled about my book. She says the post room at the orphanage is running low on stamps... because she has her own private supply. I giggle. She also says she loves my book. A lot of people say that. Mom, Tanisha, Mr. Seay, Tanisha's parents, Dad, Gina Rodriguez, and now Veronica. I guess it's good.

My Own Four Cents [2016]Where stories live. Discover now