Chapter 25: Lessons

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Tanisha and I start horse back riding lessons together on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we practice on Liberty. We don't ride Tundra because of the baby. It's due in about seven months.

It's April, and I can finally ride with my arm. I wasn't able to for a while, but now I can no problem. I can't ride Liberty during lessons because the stable prefers using their own horses. I ride this cream colored pony called a buckskin, with a black mane and tail. Her name is Gertrude. I don't know why... but then, I don't know why I'm named Maria.

Tanisha really enjoys riding. We learn to do stuff like gallop, check the horses' leads at canter, and do flying lead change, which is not actually flying. It's just when you change the canter lead at the canter. That stuff is getting easy. I have a special teacher who can speak sign language and also talks to Tanisha out loud. Apparently horse back riding is a popular sport for deaf kids, because a lot of her students are deaf.

There is a horse show coming up in May, and I practice a lot with Liberty at Tanisha's house. Tanisha and I now take turns on Liberty. There is going to be a competition at the horse show, and I am determined to get a prize. I'm obviously not going to beat Tanisha, but I can at least get second or third place. Tanisha says I'm better than she is, but I don't believe her.

Mr. Seay loved my story. He said I was a great writer. He offered eighteen dollars for my story and labeled it "an emotional and sad recount of a seventh grader's life".

The copy that was put on sale was bought immediately and more were demanded. We copied five more and put them all on sale for eighteen dollars each. I wonder if the people like the story.

I practice every day to get really good at my riding routines. My arm is getting better and better.

My Own Four Cents [2016]Where stories live. Discover now