Chapter 23: Be Yourself

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Tanisha keeps pestering me about getting that cochlear implant. I am getting annoyed with her. I do get a letter from Veronica saying thanks for the card and merry Christmas. She also tells me to get the implant... again. I have made my decision, though.

Tanisha asks me on January 16.

Are you going to take the implant? You should choose soon.

Mom jumps in. I guess so, Maria, you should choose soon. Are you getting an implant or not?

Tanisha argues. Think about what makes YOU happy, not me or Veronica or your mom or dad or anybody.

I look from Tanisha to Mom.

I've made my decision.

Are you going to get the implant or not? Mom and Tanisha sign the same thing.

I take a deep breath. No. I want to stay who I am. I'm special without being able to talk. I'm happy the way I am... myself.

I send Veronica the latest news about the decision. She doesn't seem happy, but she leaves me alone. On January 23, I sit in my room, finishing my story. I end it where I make the decision. 

I am happy with my decision. I had the chance to become a different person, but I didn't want to. Since I got adopted, I learned to appreciate what I had: a kind family, a house, food, clothes, a good friend, a faithful sister and a way to communicate with the world, even if it is different. I have learned to see the benefits of being myself.

My Own Four Cents [2016]Where stories live. Discover now