Chapter 17: An Interesting Story

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The next day I get up, get the part of the story I've written and go to Tanisha's house because it's Saturday. Tanisha is an early riser, so she is already up.

How's your arm?

I shrug with one shoulder. She hands me her phone.

Thanks. How are you? Speak.

Good, she signs.

What are you making for the mixed sale?

Autobiography. Speak.

Tanisha nods approvingly. Want to type?

I nod. I walk over to the computer and start to type the beginning of my autobiography.

My life is like a horror movie being watched on someone else's computer... and they're wearing the headphones.

Tanisha watches over my shoulder. Nice start, she says.

I pick up her phone. Will you not look over my shoulder while I'm typing? Speak.

Tanisha blushes. Sorry.

It's slow work, typing with my right hand only, and I never actually learned to type normally. I do my best. Soon I've typed everything I've written so far. Then I write more, directly from my head. I get faster at typing with every paragraph. After a while I don't have to concentrate anymore, and I can really concentrate on writing. I write about getting a home, realizing that my family's poor, going to school, and riding for the first time. Several times I find Tanisha looking over my shoulder, and I give her a look that means What did I tell you? She apologizes and walks away.

Finally it's time for me to leave. I say goodbye to Tanisha and give her back her phone. She waves at me through the window and I walk up the road back to my house. Mom is awake now. She asks what I was doing at Tanisha's house.

I hold up my book and sign slowly with my right hand, story.

Mom nods. You're writing a story? she says in surprise.

I nod and point at me.

Your life?

I nod.

You were typing it?

I nod. Mom hugs me.

Is it an interesting story?

I shrug. I guess you could say that.

My Own Four Cents [2016]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant