Chapter 3: VIP

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Reflecting back on everything that just occurred felt like a dream. A dream come true. Michael's panties and remote access to him at the club. I've scored. Big time.

I can't help but worry about the group of people I hid from back at the garage. I couldn't see them clearly in the few early morning rays but I did recognise "Angel" and his whiny voice from the club. Did that mean there was a pervert at the club? I wonder why he didn't bother reporting them to management.

Not my concern I was safe behind the bar and if I was lucky I would get called into the VIP very soon. Grinning to myself I continued jumping across roofs until I reached a small fire escape and climbed down. Now only a train and a bus from my place I was in the clear.

It took me the usual hour to get home plus five minutes as I got on a little further from the club than normal. Instead of sniffing the panties and gripping myself like I wanted to I set an alarm and went to sleep. Exhausted from the mornings events and having a shift the next day.

Sleep came fast but the next evening came faster. The beeping of my alarm reminded me of the alarm back at the club. I never did figure out why it set off.

Sighing deeply I began getting ready for the day like usual. Shower, eat, brush teeth, get dressed and go.

The bus took longer at night, more people with more places to stop off at. It usually took around 2 hours but today I got lucky with 1 hour 45 minutes.

By the time I walked to the club I was 10 minutes earlier than the 30 minutes prep time. Smiling sheepishly at the bouncers I present my employee card. They knew me of course but company policy requires me to present it every time. Or so they tell me. They seem to glance at each other for a moment for reasons unknown to me before letting me through.

I head past the customer check in point and head straight towards my usual employee locker room to get into my uniform. Unlike many of the waiters and other bar staff I was given black dress pants, a collared shirt and now tie. It was a stark contrast to the booty shorts and collars the others wore but my manager had looked me up and down before telling me it was for the best that I wore this.

Checking in at the scanner I walk into the locker room. Having never been here this early I wasn't expecting an array of half naked men. Blushing harshly I all but ran to my locker and unceremoniously began to strip.

I heard a few laughs and whistles as I began to lower my pants and fought the urge to cry. This is a change room for fucks sake.

"Who would have thought Blondie had such an ass on him?" I heard someone chortle. The rest of them just laughed in response before cheering loudly.

Confused by the cheering I turned around only to get a paddle to the dick.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

"Damn that's gotta hurt." Someone whistled.

"He's a big boy Charlie," the dick abuser snickered before ripping my head back, "aren't you?"

I couldn't speak only cry as the ache was still unbearable. Only second my eyes were blurry and the next my head shot to the left as fire exploded across my cheek.

"Aren't you?" This time he accentuated each word with a tap to my face with the paddle, a reminder of what he just did and could do again.

"Y-Yeah" I whispered faintly, though every other person could understand perfectly due to their unnatural hearing.

"Good boy." I flushed red, this time for another time other than tears and pain.  And then it was over. They all went back to their previous conversations.

I took the chance to get dressed and left in a flash. I was somehow still early but before I could ponder more on that my manager called me over.

"You, Blondie. You're here early. Good. Head to VIP"

I was ecstatic. He was finally realising my ability, I'd get to serve Michael drinks.

"Yes sir!"

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