Chapter 2: Breaking and Entering

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It's only the next morning and I've already considered every possible avenue I could take for my break in. I could try a subtle lock pick scenario and sneak in, however, the risk of being spotted from the street was high. Then there was the alleyway which was out of plain sight but was considerably more secure due to it being the main entrance to the VIP section.

That left the roof. I could get to the roof of the neighbouring car garage through the stairwell, however, that left more opportunity for cameras to catch me. I would just have to cover my face and get in and get out. The garage was only a few buildings down, luckily the street had a two level limit which most owners had built to. It would make leap frogging between them much easier and less suspicious.

There were four buildings between the garage and the club, meaning six different rooftop cameras would have it on film. But if they never knew I was there they would never know to check them. I have a black scarf and sunglasses, not too outlandish for the colder months in London. I didn't want people to suspect I was a burglar. I wasn't.

I just needed to get inside I wasn't going to take anything.

It's time. The last of the night crew for the club left hours ago. I waited to make sure it would be completely empty. And at 4:00am I'm sure it would be. Swiftly crossing the street I kept my face down and body away from the street lights. There. That was easy. I'm already at the garage entrance. It's hardly odd for someone to collect their car after a night of partying and drinking.

Except my wages had never been enough to buy a car and at 28 I had never touched a drink despite being a professional bar tender. Perhaps that's what my manager meant when he said I lacked experience. 

I wouldn't need to use those excuses anyways. I wasn't going I get caught. Nevertheless I peered into the stairwell nimbly, searching for any signs of movement and finding none. My feet light and my chest heavy I began the climb.

Phew I'm out of shape. A small two levels of stairs and I can barely breath. It's no wonder Michael has never glanced my way. My belly pushed it's way out my shirt declaring my status as a lonely, chubby and soon to be 30 year old. Curse those late night ice cream cravings. I was paying for it now.

My view of the street alerted me to a group wondering down the street. I quickly ducked.

  "Oh Cass did you see how the perv stared this time?" A giggling voice cheered. "I thought he might have finished right there and then when I-"

  "Cmon Angel not in public." A thick voice rung out in response.

Shit my cover was almost blown. I waited until the whines of "Angel" couldn't be heard before J made a quick leap across to the other building. Only four more jumps.

Fortunately there were no other late night wonderers and I was able to reach the club roof with ease. Beelining for the rooftop exit I pulled my lock pick kit out.

Damn. It was the expensive type. It would take longer. No matter. I had time. Carefully inserting the metal wires into the lock I wiggled until each pin released. Five minutes later I was victorious.

I still had to worry about alarms. Although I doubted my skeeze of a manager would have bothered to arm it. A quick turn of the knob would tell me.

Disarmed. Brilliant.

This made my task so much easier. Pushing open the door I glided effortlessly into the back rooms. I hadn't been allowed here before. Or we'll I wasn't allowed here ever. It was part of the VIP section. Glancing around I saw lockers with names. My curiosity got the best of me.

Scanning quickly I found Michael's locker, unlocked. In fact they all were. The elite VIP didn't steal, they didn't need to. Not even my manager would be dumb enough to steal from them. I wasn't either. I just wanted to look. Pulling the handle I opened the locker door.

Panties. Boxers. Skimpy lingerie.

All Michael's. Holy hell it looked used as well. I have to take a pair. Just one. I couldn't resist smelling them right then and there. Shuddering I pocketed them. Closing the door swiftly I turned to the entrance of the VIP room.

It would be too obvious to place in a corner or on a table. Perhaps in the ceiling? Yes that would do. Climbing up the side of the lockers I used the built in shelves as a boost. Tracing the roof carefully I found a gap in the squares and pushed.

Pulling my camera up with me I settled in the roof. Careful of shifting my weight too much I crawled until I found a vent. Perfect. Right above where they sit. I slotted it on the edge of the vent, invIsible to the human eye.

I was done. Now time to get the fuck-

A loud beeping sound interrupted me. Motion sensors? Crap I hadn't even gone into the main building. Crawling back to the hole I made in the locker room and I jumped down and quickly shut it closed. Speeding out the building via the rooftop I slammed the door and ran the opposite directionI came. Leave no trace.

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