Sweet As Sugar

36 1 22

Word count :- 852
Trigger warning :- Fluff. I almost had a heart attack because of the cuteness
Date published :- 18/6/22

Ridiculously cute things Danny has said to Sam.
Sam - Hey, I'm sorry I burst on you earlier. I wasn't feeling well and I took it out on you. I'm sorry.


Sam - Good night Danny. I love you.
Danny - Good night. I love you.

*Five minutes later*

Danny - I'm so in love with you.
Danny - Oh my god.

*After Paulina uselessly flirted with Danny.*

Paulina - He's going to realize how pathetic you are. And leave you for someone better. Like me.
Sam - ...
Danny - Relax Sammy, I'm all yours.

Danny - Sam, I found you a boyfriend.
Sam - Please tell me it's you.
Danny - It's me.
Danny - Surprise

Danny - I'm so sorry
Sam - For what...
Danny - For taking so long to realize it's you
Danny - It's always been you
Danny - It will always be you
Danny - It's never been anyone but you

Danny - She's just so... perfect. I want to tell her I love her.
Sam - Tell her then.
Danny - I love you.

Sam - I'm a mess.
Sam - Don't listen to half the things I say.
Danny - That's true, but I love taking care of messes.
Danny - And you're a mess I would love to deal with.

Sam - You can't love someone, unless you love yourself first.
Danny - That's just wrong.
Danny - I've never loved myself.
Danny - But god I love you so much.
Danny - I forgot what hating myself felt like.

Danny - We need to talk.
Sam - Don't say that. It scares me.
Danny - I hate you.
Sam - ... .
Danny - I hate you for being my favorite person to talk to even though you're awful at answering.
Danny - I hate you for having no idea how much I love your laugh.
Danny - God I hate those violet eyes and how I forget what I was gonna say as soon as I see them.
Danny - I hate how you let the same people hurt you over and over.
Danny - I hate how you try to hide how smart you are.
Danny - But more than anything else I hate you for making me want you when I know I can't have you.

Sam - You're crazy.
Danny - About you and everything you do.

*completely out of the blue*

Danny - I love you.
Danny - I didn't say that enough today.

Danny - You're so cute
Sam - That came out of nowhere
Danny - But you smiled
Sam - Yeah I did
Danny - Yeah that was the point

Danny, while fixing Sam's wound after she got hurt - Look, I know you want to help
Danny - I know you like it.
Danny - And you can do whatever you want
Danny, with fear completely evident in his eyes - Just don't get hurt doing it
Danny - Please

Danny - We need to talk.
Sam - What?
Danny - Can we order Chinese take-out?
Sam - That's what you want to talk about?
Danny - Yes?
Sam - Danny you idiot. You scared me.

Sam - How're you?
Danny - I'm good now.
Sam - Now?
Danny - Yeah. I'm talking to you.
Danny - The love of my life.

Sam - Danny stop staring at me and complete your homework.
Danny - Sorry I stare at you. But you're so pretty.
Danny - And you make me really happy.

Sam - I'm just not really you're type you know.
Sam - You like pretty perfect girls. You know, solid 10's
Danny - Just thought I would switch it up and go for a straight 15.

Danny, talking about Sam - You know. If she wanted to dance, I'd let her wreck the furniture. If she wanted to cook I'd let her burn the house down. If she wanted to scream, I'd let her deafen me. I've never loved anyone enough to let them destroy me, but oh god, she could take me by the throat and my eyes would sparkle at the mere inches between us.

A/N:- Why can't I have guy like this.
Danny - Wake up.
Danny - You've slept enough.
Sam - So demanding.
Danny - I just need you awake.
Sam - Whyyy
Danny - Cuz
Danny - I can't tell you I love you when you're sleeping

Danny - I'm gonna go to the mall with Tucker to get some hoodies for me.
Sam - ......
Danny - Emphasis on me.
Sam - You means hoodies for me.
Danny - Oh come on. Leave something for me.
Sam, hands Danny a hoodie she stole, - You can have this for a week.
Danny - Thank you.

Danny - Good night
Sam - You're going to sleep?
Danny - No
Danny - I just needed you to text back faster.
Danny - I need attention.
Danny - Nvm. Bye
Sam - Come back.

Danny - You know what.
Danny - I like you.
Danny - You're mine.

Danny - I love you.
Danny - I'm stuck at night thinking about you.
Danny - I wanna stay up and think about you. But I know if I fall asleep, I will dream about you.
Danny - Like my past few dreams have been me and you. I guess you have just consumed my thought.
Danny - But that's alright.
Danny - Because I love you.

Danny - You're mine.
Danny - So all the other guys can just leave.

A/N :- I completed this right now. Even thought I have like dozens of school work to get over with.
The things I do for you darlings.
But I live you darlings.
So here you go

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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