The Ghost Worm

55 1 2

Word count :- 1630
Date published :- 2/5/22
Trigger warning :- none
A/N :- I just wanted to let you guys know that I do not hate Valerie. And I don't even want to show any hate towards her with this chapter. I just wanted to make her seem as close to the one in the show as possible that is why I have written her like 9 have. Hope you guys enjoy this stupid chapter. Bye
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Valerie POV

'Stupid ghost boy.' I thought every time as I pushed myself up while doing pushups. 'I lost everything. My friends. My reputation. My money. I'm going to destroy him and everything like him.' I finished with my pushups and grabbed a towel to wipe of the sweat.

I looked over my room and thought about...everything. I cleared my head and got ready for school. I just have a feeling that something would happen today.

Well something's bound to happen in a town infested with ghosts. Ugh just thinking about ghosts brings a sour taste to my mouth. "Valerie you're going to eat your breakfast right?" My dad's voice boomed from the door. "Yup." I replied.

I got a shower and changed as quickly as I could. There's just one good thing that came out of the ghost boy's dog getting my ad fired. He got a new job and I get to see him more often. That's it. That's the only good thing.

"Valerie!" Dad called me again. I got my bag and dashed to the kitchen. I stuffed a PB and J sandwich in my mouth and waved my dad goodbye, I left for school.

"Did you get your lunch?" My dad asked me. I cursed under my breath. He handed me my lunch and I left for school, again.

My day went pretty normal. Well about as normal as it could get when your town's infested with ghosts. Still, there weren't any ghost attacks during school hours. And of course there was the stupid show of Wes trying to convince everyone that Fenton was the ghost boy. Seriously that's just plain stupid. Fenton's is sweet and nice, and a little bit clumsy. And the Ghost boy's the exact opposite.

Sometimes I actually think that Wes might be the ghost boy. That's why he was so hell bent on trying to prove that Fenton was the ghost boy.

Anyways, I was just walking towards Nasty Burger for my shift. Man I hate this job. And the worst part. Paulina and her stupid gang comes in every day, and they just have to 'politely' remind me that I'm not a part of their group anymore.

I was about to open the back door of Nasty Burger, since that's where the employees are supposed to enter from. When there was a tiny earthquake behind me. I turned around and saw a worm.

That's it. That's all there was just a teeny tiny worm. And just some cracks, really really huge cracks that surrounded it. Nothing suspicious at all.

I blinked and the tiny worm had transformed into a really huge worm. "OH COME ON!!!" I yelled at it. I looked around to make sure that no one was around so that I could turn into the red huntress.

I was hit by the door on the face, which was opened by Danny. "Oh my gosh. Valerie I'm so so sorry." He apologized quickly. I waved it off and he said sorry again and ran off.

I turned around and saw that the worm was gone. Now in this situation I could just leave and go and do my shift so I could earn a little money. Or I could go and hunt the ghost worm, because one ghost ruined my life and I have taken a vow that I would hunt every single ghost I can.

I would have gone with the second option if my manager hadn't called me inside because the guy who worked before me had already left and so many customers at just one counter, was getting a little messy.

I reluctantly got in and went to my counter. I could've sworn that when I entered, Manson and Foley left a breath of relief out. Why? I turned and looked at the counter. Whoa that was a lot of people.

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