Dating Danny Would Include

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Word count :- 1065
Trigger warning :- This is an X reader. So if you don't want to read this you can just skip.
Date published :- 28/5/22
1. Let's be honest, this boy is very pure. So he would always make sure that you're happy.

2. If you guys have been friends from way before, then you know his secret. So, he would always worry if you think he's a freak. You always have to tell him that he isn't.

3. If you guys haven't been friends from before, he would definitely just admire you from far away. Probably drooling over you too. Tucker might have to snap him out of it.

4. Either way, he would ask Sam for advice. Like what he should get you as a gift. Or what would be a nice date for you.

5. He's really protective of you. Always taking care of you.

6. He gets really mad when someone insults you. Dash got a broken nose because he insulted you.

7. He loves it when you talk to him about something you are passionate . He thinks your eyes just have a different sparkle in them when you talk about something you are passionate about.

8. But he also loves talking about things he is passionate about to you. You actually listen to him and remember tiny thing about it that he told you.

9. He does the same. He actually has a piece of parchment on which he has written small thing you told him, so that he won't forget a thing. But he has a different page on which he writes things that he figured out. Like your favorite color, or your nasty burger order. And other things like that.

10. Sometimes before going to sleep, he likes to think about you. So he dreams about you. We never know if that actually happens.

11. You're literally the best thing that has happened to him.

12. Hugs. Lots and lots of hugs.

13. And if he finds out that you like surprise hugs or kisses, he goes invisible and gives you a light kiss on your head. But only if you like it.

14. And you can have his hoodies. He sometimes gets a hoodie, sleeps in it for a few days. And then gives it to you. He knows you like it. The hoodies are really warm.

15. You're gonna have to take a lot of care of him though. Make sure he's eating well. And sleeping well. And make sure he isn't overworking himself. Or that he is emotionally stable.

16. If you're upset, then he'll do anything, and I mean ANYTHING to make you smile.

17. Sam and Tucker take a lot of care of you. They love you honestly, since you're an awesome person and you make Danny the happiest.

18. Dates at the Nasty Burger. Definitely.

19. But that's not the only place where he takes you out for dates. If he has a lot of time and isn't catching up on sleep, he'll plan an amazing date. And he'll keep it a surprise.

20. He would definitely start planning for your birthday from a long time before. And by long time I mean, almost 4 months before.

21. Did I mention he gets you the most amazing gifts? He's really thoughtful about them.

22. "Will you read to me tonight, Y/N?"

"Of course I will you dork."

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