I'm Sorry

27 1 1

Word count :- 1106
Date published :- 14/5/22
Trigger warnings :- Angst.... There's a lot of angst in this one.
Danny's POV

Now she's gone and it's all my fault. Anyways I was going to the cemetery to visit her. It was her birthday after all. I even brought a cake. Her favorite...... Dark chocolate. "Hey Sam..... Happy birthday" I said trying to fake a smile.... But being unsuccessful. "Please come back Sam.... I want to be with you a-and listen to your sarcastic remarks.....and play video games with you even when I know I'm gonna lose...and hug you and kiss you and tell you that I love you... Please come back I miss you so much... It's been three years and every single day I miss you more than the last. Please come back." I sat there wishing... hoping that she would somehow come back.

"Hey" whispered a voice that I was dying to hear from the past three years.... "Sam" I whispered. There she was the same pale skin the same beautiful violet eyes that I could just drown in. I reached out to grab her and hug her but my hand phased right through her.

"Danny please you need to move on" she said "I won't be able to rest in peace when I know that you are right here crying every single day" she finished with a sigh. Then gathering all the courage I had in me I told her the three words I couldn't tell her while she was alive "I love you".

She looked surprised, shocked even. "What?" she whispered again "I love you" I repeated with tears in my eyes....And then the dam broke. I let all the emotions..... Anger on myself and her..... On her because she always had to protect me.... And on me because I couldn't protect her. Sadness because I wasn't able to tell her that I... "Hey calm down" Sam said lifting my face up and wiping up all the tears and started running her fingers through my hair. I remembered a beautiful memory of hers.


I was just done with life. I didn't get enough sleep last night, I got a pathetic score on one of Lancer's quiz and when I got home Skulker decided I would be a good time and come fight me to put my pelt on his wall. But today he wasn't completely unsuccessful, he managed to get a few good hits on me. And man did they hurt I started flying invisibly to Sam's house. I saw that she was just reading a book. 'God she's beautiful' I thought. I tapped on her window but she didn't hear me. I tapped a little loudly and this time she did hear me. She turned towards the window and gasped to see that it was me. She opened the window to let me in I went in her room and sat on her bed slowly, trying not to hurt my injuries even more. Now that she finally had a good look at me she realized what I was there for. She grabbed a first aid box from under her bed. "Lay down Danny" she instructed and I did as she said. After about half an hour which I guessed was how much time had passed, I don't know I was sleeping, I woke up and found Sam reading the same book she was reading, again. I don't know what came over me but I laid my head on her lap. She gasped softly but gave a soft smile and started running her fingers through my hair and started singing in a soft voice careful not to wake me up.

"I run my fingers through your hair

And watch the lights go wild

Just keep on keeping your eyes on me

It's just wrong enough to make it feel right

And lead me up the staircase

Won't you whisper soft and slow

And I'm captivated by you baby

Like a fireworks show

Drop everything now

Meet me in the pouring rain

Kiss me on the sidewalk

Take away the pain

'Cause I see, sparks fly whenever you smile

Get me with those green eyes, baby

As the lights go down

Gimme something that'll haunt me when you're not around

'Cause I see, sparks fly, whenever you smile"

I didn't realize I was smiling. Sam started shaking me lightly trying to wake me up. I woke up well fully woke up "you're lucky the shots on you weren't that deep to need stitches." She said to me. I asked her how long had I been asleep. "Oh, just forty five minutes. You should get home now I know you haven't done your homework." She finished with a smirk. "Oh and by the way the answer of the fifth question is 366"she said as I flew out the window.


"You don't look good while crying" she said booping my nose. Suddenly she looked behind me and her eyes widened "look out!" she shouted while pushing me aside. I saw a laser beam hit her. I saw her visibly fading. I quickly ran over her. I hugged her, for some reason I could touch her now. She whispered in a voice so low I could barely hear it but I did and I had never felt so bad.

When she whispered "I love you too" I had never felt happier, but knowing that I would never be able to see her again made me angrier than I have ever been in my whole life. "You just have to protect me and take the hit for me don't ya" I said while chuckling trying to lighten the mood. By the time I noticed Sam was gone anger had completely filled my veins.

"You" I said with hatred showing in my voice "just" I said transforming into Phantom "have" I I said flying towards Plasmius in top speed "to" I said kicking him in the stomach "ruin" I said while punching him in the face hard "everything" I said grabbing his collar.

3rd person POV

By the time Danny took his anger out on Plasmius, Danny's eyes were completely red, and well Plasmius, let's just say he won't be trying to rule the world anymore. And Danny went completely insane..... He turned into something he thought he never would.... Something he promised Sam and Tucker and everyone that he would never become... He became Dan phantom..... The sadness and anger of never being able to be with Sam consumed his kindness and protectiveness and darkness engulfed him..... He eventually destroyed every single thing in the world.....His friends, his family ....everything. And eventually driven from insanity, he killed himself.
A/N :- Before you guys come at me for posting this so late. I have a perfectly good explanation for it. I had a writers block and couldn't write anything. Then I thought, 'hey I already have an awesome one shot written so why not post it?'.
And its the Danny Phantom Fandom.... What are we without angst. So lots and lots of angst.
Hope you guys like the one shot. Bye darlings.

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