I'd Lie {Part 2}

17 1 4

Word count :- 2095
Date published :- 11 /6/22
Trigger warning :- FLUFF. Lots and lots of FLUFF.
The above pic has nothing to do with the one shot. But I have been laughing at ut for the past 5 minutes.
"So what do you want to know?" Sam asked as she sat on the swing in a way that she was facing Danny. Danny did the same and asked "is he in our school?" Sam nodded "duh."

Danny nodded while thinking of a new question "so that narrows it down to almost 900 guys. Anyways do I know him?" Sam replied "more or less." Danny furrowed is eyebrows and said "what is that supposed to mean?" to this Sam explained "well you know him."

Danny nodded and said "ok, now what is his favorite color?" Sam didn't even have to think for a moment before she answered "green." Danny smiled a bit and said "that was quick." Sam smiled smugly and said "I know him really well." 'It's not just a little crush then. She really likes him. He's a lucky guy.' Danny thought.

Danny was so lost in thought that he didn't snap out of it, until Sam had to completely shake the swing he was on, to wake him up. "I thought you fell asleep." She said once she noticed he was paying attention. "I was just thinking about who this guy is." Danny continued "Where does he usually hang out?" Sam pressed her lips in a thin line and replied "Nasty burger, or he usually sleeps."

Danny's eyes widened "you fell for a lazy guy? I can't believe it." Sam looked offended "Hey! He isn't lazy he just doesn't get enough sleep at night." She said. "Sorry, you really know him well, don't ya?" Danny asked with a little humor in his voice.

"Next question please." Sam said. "Ok the next question is" Danny said in an announcer like voice "what is he" Sam raised an eyebrow "I don't know, maybe a human?" she said sarcastically. Danny chuckled and explained "No, I meant. That what clique is he in?" "Ohhh." Sam said in realization. "Well I can't tell you that. Then you'll figure out who he is." She added.

"Well that's the point." Danny said, frustrated. Sam giggled and checked her watch. Her eyes widened when she saw what time it was. "Oh my gods! It's already 4. My parents are gonna kill me." She gulped. "I should really get going."

Danny suggested "well you're gonna be even late if you go there walking. How about I fly you there?" Sam thought for a moment but eventually gave in.

The two best friends reached Sam's place in five minutes, but Sam told Danny to drop her near an alley. "Why?" Danny asked her. "Then I can walk the rest of the way, and my parents wouldn't get suspicious." Sam explained. Danny nodded and dropped her in the nearest alley. "Bye" Sam whispered when Danny put her on the ground. "buh- bye" Danny said while waving to her. Then he turned invisible and flew off to his house.

After reaching his home Danny. Danny called Tucker and asked him. "Tuck, do you have any idea. Sam likes someone" It's a good thing Danny couldn't see Tucker, because Tucker slapped his forehead so hard that even Danny heard that noise. But he just ignored that, instead he asked "are you free to hang out right now. I'm bored." Tucker beamed "of course I am. Meet me at the Nasty burger in 10 minutes." 'Maybe I can finally get these two together. It's my mission.'

After 10 minutes Tucker reached Nasty Burger. Then he noticed that Danny wasn't here yet. 'Maybe just a ghost escaped and he had to get it back to the ghost zone.' Tucker thought. And he wasn't wrong, Danny had to capture the Box ghost, but he decided that he would release him the ghost zone later, as he was getting late to meet up with Tucker.

Danny saw Tucker near an alley and went in that alley, invisibly of course, and turned back to Fenton. Then he met up with Tucker and the two friends went inside the restaurant. Danny found a seat for them, while Tucker went to order their food, and maybe flirt a little with Valerie.

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