Ice Cream Heist

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A/N:- The fanart used above is not mine. And once again I'm gonna remind you that requests are open. Hope you enjoy this one shot.
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Date published :- 28/4/22
Word count :- 1321
Trigger warning :- none. ____________________________________

3rd POV

"Shush." Tucker gestured towards Danny, gesturing him to be quite. "Sorry" the half ghost whispered.

Let me tell you what these two are doing. So you see, as usual the two were playing video games all night. It was currently 4 in the morning. About half an hour ago both of them confessed that they wanted ice cream. And surprisingly none of them had ice cream at their place. So they decided that they would sneak in the nearest ice cream parlour and have some from there.

That leads us here. "What would you take today?" Tucker said in a posh accent, standing behind the display. Which was filled with a lot of ice cream flavors. Chocolate, vanilla, cookie dough, chocolate chips, caramel, fruit and nuts, cotton candy. Every single flavor was available.

"I'll take." Danny said pointing to strawberry. "And that." He said pointing to chocolate. "And that." He said gesturing towards coffee. "And everything else." He said while hugging the whole display.

"Of course I'll give you everything." Tucker said while scooping out some ice creams on cones. "That'll be... Free!" Tucker said. "Thank you. Now it's my turn." Danny said holding up the ice cream cones and cups.

"What would you like today sir?" Danny said in a nosy voice, standing behind the counter. Tucker looked like he was doing some deep thinking, "I'll take the, chocolate, chocolate chips, cookie dough, vanilla, in cones. That's all for now."

Danny scooped up the flavors Tucker wanted and put them all in waffle cones, and handed them to Tucker. The two went and sat down, more like lay down, on one of the booths and started eating their ice creams. Which Danny was doing a little too quickly.

"BRAIN FREEZE!!!" Danny yelled, dropping all the ice cream on the floor. He gripped his head and pressed it. Tucker looked over at him with a smug look, "that's what you get for eating your ice cream so fast."

Danny turned and glared at him, "oh shut up." He spoke through gritted teeth. Tucker started laughing. Then resumed eating his ice cream.

"Finally. It's gone." Danny said after his short brain freeze had left. He walked towards the ice creams in the counter and scooped up some caramel cookie in a cup.

"You seriously just had a brain freeze for like 1 minute." Tucker said. He went beside Danny to choose the next ice cream flavor he wanted to eat.

Danny licked the cup clean after finishing the ice cream and said, "You'll know how hard it is when you get one." Tucker licked his own scoop and looked over at Danny, "You see that's the thing Danny. I NEVER get a brain freeze. No matter how fast or how much ice cream I eat."

{Spongebob narrator voice} - 5 minutes later

"BRAIN FREEZE!!!" Tucker yelled gripping and pressing his head. Danny laughed. He laughed till his stomach hurt and tears came to his eyes. "I never get a brain freeze..." Danny said mockingly after he was done with laughing.

Danny continued eating his ice cream while looking Tucker dead in the eye. "Go away..." Tucker whined. "Are you taking to me or the brain freeze?" Danny asked taking a pause from his ice cream. Tucker rubbed his temples and replied, "Both." Danny shoved another spoonful of ice cream in his mouth and remarked, "Rude."

After Tuckers brain freeze went away, which only lasted for 1 and a half minute, the two went back to getting ice cream in a cup. "What is going on here?" a voice said from in front of the counter, opposite from where Tucker and Danny were, said.

"Aw man. The owner came way sooner than I expected." Danny said as he grabbed Tuckers arm and made both of them invisible. "How long did you think it would take the owner to come here?" Tucker whispered peeking from behind the counter. Danny did the same, "I thought he wouldn't be here till the morning."

The owner of the parlor looked around the shop before going to sit down on a chair. "Let's see, the whole place is trashed, the ice cream is gone, and there's no sign of the culprit anywhere. There's only one answer to who could have done this." The owner kept on talking to himself.

"Please don't say ghosts. Please don't say ghosts." Both Danny and Tucker whispered. "GHOSTS." The owner bounced up from his chair. Danny and Tucker groaned at this.

"If the ghosts are still here then I need to find them and do something about them so they don't ruin any more shops in the area." The owner said pacing back and forth, right in front of the counter.

Tucker whispered to himself, "please don't call the Fentons." Too late. The owner picked up is phone and called the Fentons, who came marching right through the main door in literal five minutes.

"Let's get out of here." Danny whispered to Tucker and tugged him through a wall and they both went to their own places later. Both of them had decided that they would not let Sam have any idea about this, as she would definitely be mad at them for not telling her that they were having ice cream.

{SpongeBob narrator voice} - The next day

"I can't believe you guys went and ate ice cream all alone without me." Sam snapped at the guys. Danny nervously laughed, "How did you find out?" Tucker went and hid at the opposite end of Danny's bed, far far away from where Sam was standing.

"Your parents broadcasted it on every single news channel." Sam replied sitting on the floor. "Yay dude. You're famous!" Tucker cheered from behind the bed, but shrunk back after Sam glared at him.

Danny turned to face Tucker, "Tuck. Bro. I'm already pretty famous. I'm Danny Phantom. Remember?" he explained in a slow voice. Tucker nodded in understanding.

"What was the news?" Danny asked Sam. Sam cleared her throat, "Breaking news..." she said in a booming manly voice, "The local ice cream shop was robbed in the middle of the night. No one witnessed what had happened, but the owner found the whole place thrashed."

At this point Tucker and Danny had both burst out laughing but Sam continued anyways. "The owner had come to the shop at around 5 in the morning after he realized he had forgotten something and found paper cups and paper tissues lying on the floor."

"The owner thought that the culprit may have been a ghost, so he called two of Amity Park's own ghost experts Jack and Maddie Fenton, to investigate." Sam was going to continue her act, but unfortunately Tucker told her to stop because he was about to pee himself from laughing too hard.

"Are you sure you want me to stop?" Sam asked in the same voice making Danny laugh out even louder.

After about 2 minutes when Tucker and Danny had completely calmed down, Danny asked Sam. "Was it really mentioned that it was me and Tuck who ate the ice cream?" Sam rolled her eyes, "Of course it wasn't mentioned. And how was anyone even going to find that out anyways? Only I found out it was you two because I know you guys. And its Tuck and I, by the way."

"Whatever." Danny remarked. "Danny did you steal ice cream from the store?" Jazz asked, more like yelled, peeking in from the door. Danny quickly transformed into Phantom, "and that's my queue to leave before Jazz starts lecturing me." He said before zooming out the window.

"Danny do you know how dangerous what you did was? You could have gotten caught. And do you know what mom and dad would have done if they had found out?" Jazz kept on lecturing the Danny that had already left, with Sam and Tucker laughing in the background.

A/N :- Guys please don't be silent readers. Please comment on my stories. And if you want you can just, you know, request a one shot if you like. If you want to that is.
Hope you guys liked this one. Bye.

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