I'd Lie

35 1 4

Word count :- 1553
Date punblished :- 4/6/22
Trigger warning :- Just various levels of obliviousness.
Flashback {2 months ago}

"What'cha thinking about Sam?" Tucker asked Sam when he noticed Sam had been quiet for a while. She didn't even say anything when he was boasting about his lunch, which was a meatloaf. Sam still didn't snap out of her mind. At this point Danny shook Sam lightly, but when she still didn't respond, Danny just shoved her.

"What? What do you want?" Sam asked obviously startled by the hard shove. Danny then said "what are you thinking about? You haven't said anything the whole lunch break." Danny asked, his tone slightly worried. Tucker nodded, signifying that he was thinking the same thing too.

Sam replied, "I read this morning that our favorite song says a lot about us. And I've been thinking about all my favorite songs and thinking that it IS true." She took a bite from her salad. Tucker gave her a 'that's ridiculous' look and then argued "that's ridiculous, I've had a lot of favorite songs. What does that say about me?" Sam wasn't able to say anything, before Danny interrupted her.

"Yeah Sam, a song can't describe our feelings. That would be ridiculous." Sam scoffed and said "I don't know about you guys but it's true for me." Danny opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the bell.


Sam and Tucker were leaning against two lockers while they were waiting for Danny so that they could all walk back to their homes. Danny had to leave class to fight a ghost. Good thing was that it was just the last lecture and it wasn't that important. He had left 15 minutes before the class ended and Tucker and Sam had been waiting for him for almost five minutes.

After waiting a little longer Danny came out the boy's washroom with a bored look on his face. "You ok? Dude you look exhausted." Tucker asked Danny as they started walking to the main door, concern lacing his voice.

"I'm fine just a little tired." Danny said while rubbing his eyes. The trio continued walking towards their homes, while Danny and Tucker were talking about something, probably about a new video game, Sam was busy humming to herself.

Danny realized after sometime that she was humming the same tune all day. So he finally asked her, "Sam you've been humming that tune all day. What's up?" Sam looked over to him and answered "I don't know. I really like this song. I would even say it's my new favorite song. It's SO relatable"

Danny and Tuck made an 'oohh' shape with their lips in realization. "Well will you please tell us what song it is so we may bask in its pure joy?" Danny said in a fake old British accent. Sam and Tucker both gasped in shock and Sam said in a scared way "you were paying attention in English class?" Tucker added, "What's next? Sam starts wearing pink, I start reading books?" Danny gave them a smug look, "I pay attention once in a while you know."

"So what's the song?" Tucker asked Sam once again. "Oh, it's I'd lie, by Taylor swift." Danny got lost in thought for a while after that. He was thinking about the time Sam old them that a song can tell a lot about a person.

He wondered if he could find out if Sam liked him too. Yes too. Danny had liked Sam for a long time. After sometime he realized that this wasn't just a little crush that would go away after sometime. He really, really liked Sam.

The trio hung out at Nasty burger for some time and then parted ways, as Sam wanted to go to the bookstore, Tucker had to do his homework, which surprised the other two since he never cared about his homework, and Danny said he wanted to get some sleep, if it wasn't interrupted by another ghost attacking.

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