Just One Date

40 1 3

Word count :- 1555
Date published :- 6/5/22
Tigger warning :- none.
Sam's POV

"Go away." I huffed, turning around and getting ready to head to my next class. "Why?" Dash said stepping with me, that stupid smirk plastered on his face. "Dash for the millionth time. No." I said as I turned around and showed him my palm, telling him to stop.

"Just one date. That's all I'm asking for." Dash said trying to look genuine. But I knew what he wanted. "NO." I answered clearly.

"Dash leave the poor girl alone. It's not important that every girl falls for that stupid smirk and your fake confidence." A voice said from behind. I groaned internally, because I knew who that voice belonged to.

"And why should I do that Fenton?" Dash asked crossing his arms, glaring at the figure behind me. I didn't even want to turn behind and face the man I hated.

"Because I'm politely asking you to." He simply said. And I could tell that he was about to lose his patience. Dash simply rolled his eyes and left. Something tells me that Danny made a gesture that made Dash leave.

I'm so sorry if you're confused. Let me explain everything to you. The, 5'6 boy with a fairly pale skin, baby blue eyes and with raven black hair, behind me is 'Danny Fenton'. He was dressed in a white plane t-shirt, black ripped jeans and his usual black leather paired with white converse. Don't ask me how I know.

This boy had been causing trouble for me since 5th grade. And for some weird reason he loves annoying me. But still he always gets rid of Dash whenever he won't leave me alone. Like today.

"Great, one leaves me alone and the other comes up to annoy me." I mumbled. I turned around to face him. "I think you owe me a 'thank you'."

I didn't even resist rolling my eyes. I knew by this point it was completely impossible. "Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to attend." I said as I tried to leave past him.

He put his arm I front of me, preventing me from leaving. "What do you want?" I asked in a monotone voice. "How about this? We skip classes today. And I take you out. And not just go out as in go to a movie and call it a date. No. I want to treat you like you should be treated. With respect. So what do you say?" He explained. And although I didn't like him, his words had made an effect on me.

"That's really sweet Danny. But I can't skip any classes. And as for you, I think you should attend a class for once today." I told him truthfully. "Ok, so no date today? But are you free on Friday?" He asked me leaning against a locker.

"I don't know honestly. But yeah mostly. Why?" I asked checking the time, only to find out that half of the lecture had finished. Good thing it was just literature and I'm already ahead on the work.

"No nothing." He said and simply walked away. I shrugged and walked towards the library. There is no use to go to my class now, so I might as well do anything else by the time for the next lecture.

"Where were you?" Valerie asked me after the lecture ended. I was waiting outside her class for her. "I was looking for you before the lecture." She told me.

"Dash." I simply told her, and that seemed to tell her everything she needed to know. "Danny came and told him off?" She asked, she of all people knew how Danny used to act around me. I nodded. A big grin took place on her face and she squealed. "You guys are so cute." She said clearly, ecstatic.

If I told her that Danny asked me out on a date, but I refused, she'll kill me. It's like hitting your foot with an axe. I'm going to do it. I waited until she stopped squealing. "Danny asked me out on a date."

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