Ibarra, thinking quickly, recalled her hair and placed it in a defensive manner before swinging them around violently to clear the lingering smoke! It was thick, as if clouds had descended upon them. She managed to clear the area around her before she lifted herself above the smoke ready to attack at the slightest bit of movement! She also laid her hair across much of the arena floor in hopes her opponent would step on one and alert her to his presence! All in all it was a genius strategy to block her line of sight, she in the grand scheme had a very overwhelming quirk, so head on stealth was a viable option.

Everyone in the crowd was trying to see through the smoke to try and spot Izuku as Ibarra watched like a sentry...that's when she felt it, one of her veins being cut...then another...and another! And another!! In rapid succession her warning signals were getting severed faster than she could process where it was happening! Eventually the smoke was beginning to thin and she could slightly see a faint light glowing...red? That's when a projectile hit her square in the chest...it wasn't enough to put her out of the fight but it nearly knocked the wind out of her!! Her vines keeping her upright in the air! In retaliation she swiped a mass amount of vines where the shot came from, the action clearing the smoke from the area....and revealing the demon coming for her...

Izuku's once soft blue blades that looked as if they were living electricity...were now a deep red and orange....they flickered and burned like a rageful fire as heat emanated from them in ripples! The toxic green eyes of the mask glared directly at Ibarra! She watched helplessly as Izuku perfectly slid under her attack...and severed the line of vines without any issue. His fire-like blades partially ignited the veins leaving the ends burning as he continued his assault!...like cauterising a wound. Ibarra could no longer cause the ends to grow....she immediately recalled the mass, as she sneered at her "opponent" she could see it now! What he meant by what he said! His visage! His actions! He wasn't a person! But truly a devil sent to destroy them!!!! She gritted her teeth as she went on the offensive.

Like massive whips, Ibarra threw her attacks at Izuku. The man in question jumped, slid, and bounced off the snake like appendages all the while never breaking his gaze at the woman. Ibarra quickly became frightened and angry as her opponent seemingly knew her every oncoming attack! He was closing the gap, and fast! He dodged and sliced every attack as she could see him baring his teeth as he heaved air! When he power slid right under a vine that would've taken his head off! Steam ejected from his mouth transforming his already frightening visage into something...monstrous, with his evil eyes glowing through the dark smoke. No matter what she did, she couldn't defend against him! This agent of chaos sent by Lucifer himself!!! She did the only thing she could think of! Vines began to circle Izuku as he was nearly on top of Ibarra and like a wave began to close in on him as he ran! Sprinting as fast as he could, the tunnel of vines began to close around him as he worked his way through! Eventually they started to arc upwards with Izuku periodically jumping and climbing trying to make it to the end of the tunnel! He hacked, slash, ripped, and teared as the tunnel closed and the veins began to cave in, so they could try and crush him.

Everyone sat in awe for a moment as there were no signs of movement...everyone nearly thought Ibarra had won! That she managed to contain the machine man! That's when the top of the vine tower exploded! A shadowed Izuku flew from hole and into the air! Small veins laid across him, some of them were even on fire! Trying to grab a hold of him once more, Izuku saw the vines arcing behind him...so he used it like a spring board! Both opponents stared at each other right before Izuku rocketed himself forward! With the sound of a gunshot he went flying towards Ibarra like a human bullet! She threw everything she possibly could at him! Her Vine perch was no longer there as she felt the arena floor! Her hair became shorter and shorter as this unstoppable force tackled into her...

Piece By Piece. (Cyber Izuku)Where stories live. Discover now