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I was walking side by side with Haruto, he is shining under the sunlight. I couldn't help but unconsciously stared at him and that was not a good decision. I almost tripped over but luckily Ruto hold me before i could hit the ground "don't stare while walking sweetheart" i couldn't say a word we were in the same position as we were staring into each other's eyes. We stayed like that for a minute or more when we heard a dog barking as realisation hit us and we immediately went back to our normal position. I cleared my throat in attempt to make the situation less uncomfortable "umm so yeah where is the cafe?" "Just around the corner follow me".

The cafe was beautifully decorated, there was a dreamy vibe to it. "Wow" "you like it?" The cafe or you? Though the answer will be similar "yep i do"

After ordering our respective food, we were just sitting awkwardly. "Well-" we spoke at the same time and laughed afterwards. "How is your preparation for the program?" shit i forgot about it "umm not started yet what about you" "neither me, you wanna practice with me? Only if you are comfortable" "yes why not that would be great" right that moment our order came, we thanked the waiter and continued our conversation "so tomorrow is weekend you wanna start tomorrow" ruto asked "yep sure. Just text me the venue and time" "sure miss"

After finishing homework, now i am chilling on my couch doing absolutely nothing while my brother is cooking dinner for me. Trust me I want to help him but he kicks me out the moment I enter the kitchen. "Aww what a couch-potato" my brother said teasingly after finishing cooking "i am hungry~" i am too hungry to fight "yep yep i know come and have food"

"This is soooo good!! I love you brother!!" "He he I know I am the best" he is so proud but he deserves it. "Oh yeah jihoonie" i called out for him as he hummed in response "i am going out with Haruto tomorrow f-" "YOU ARE DATING!" He never lets me finish "no! Not that going out! We will practice for that program together" "okay give your best!!" Jihoon is a talented singer and dancer himself but this year he is not participating because he is too busy. I feel sad sometimes how he barely gets time for himself, he is a senior so he have to study so hard and apart from that he also have to be the parent figure for me sometimes I feel anger towards our parents. If only they thought about how we feel about them always being overseas, I have barely stayed with my parents honestly so i don't really know about how it feels to have parents as they were always missing but i got the best brother instead and honestly he is everything for me. I also want to help him but he thinks i am a kid who can't do anything.

All this emotion hitting me made me a bit emotional as i went and hugged my brother "I love you brother" "aww what happened to the baby? I love you too my little sister" "it's hard for you isn't it?" Tears were streaming down my eyes this time "no who said you that! I am PARK JIHOON it's easy peasy" stop lying already "you know you can just be a regular high schooler and let yourself rest sometimes, i can take care of myself" "yep yep i know you can but you are still a baby to me" "i will ALWAYS be a baby to you" he laughed again.

Coming back to my room i heard a notification coming in my phone

Ruto : 11 am at our dance practice room. Okay ?

I recently got to know Haruto, Yoshi, Asahi and Mashiho actually stays together which is their group's usual hangout place. They are some rich fellow no wonder their parents bought them a house to stay. Haruto actually have a similar situation with me. His parents are busy persons.

Yuijn: okay!

The next day

I Heard my alarm going off but i ignored it and went to a slumber again not much longer i heard my phone ringing and without seeing the name of the caller i just picked up the call


You are still not awake?

Huh? Wait Haruto!?

yep it's 11:33


Yeah it's fine lol calm down

I immediately went to wash up gosh it is so embarrassing. After washing up i just stuffed a bread down my throat as i went to his house.

After reaching his house i apologized to Haruto multiple time which he replied with "it's okay" and laughed and told me to calm down. And i still ask myself why am I so single. How can I possibly find a boyfriend being like THIS!

The practice room was just perfect. "Free style challenge?" "Hell yeah"

He put on a groovy music as he performed freestyle. This is my first time seeing him dance and man HE IS AMAZING! every step he performs is on beat and addictive. As he finished i clapped in aw "how was it" "YOU ARE SO TALENTED!" he blushed at my words. "Your turn" he immediately changed to another groovy beat and being a dance lover i just let my body absorb to the music and dance away.

Haruto Pov

I didn't know she was THIS good like the way she moves is everything to be honest. I felt my heart beating faster seeing her dance so gracefully. She is so amazing after dancing she came upto me "how was it?" "Just mesmerizing!" She looked shy at my remark "you never told you are such a great dancer, if i knew before i wouldn't dare to have challenged you" she laughed at my words as she shake her head "you are better". I love this girl.

In love with my nightmare // Watanabe HarutoWhere stories live. Discover now