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School was starting again. I wish I could skip School and be lazy all day but then again i don't wanna get scolded by Jihoon. I quickly got up and got ready as usual then went to school. After reaching the classroom, it hit me that today we ate suppose to be open, everyone will know about our relationship, no more hiding things from others.

I was greeted by the smiley face of Haruto as he came upto me and hold my hand INFRONT OF EVERYONE. The schock in everyone's face was evident. I mean of course who would expect us to date anyway. "Everyone" Haruto continued as i could feel my cheeks burn "i want to share something with you will" he smiled at me "And the news is that me and Yujin are dating, so yeah this girl right here belongs to me" i received some glares but mostly there were cheers "i need a boyfriend too! Beomgyu let's date"  yuna said "ewww no" beomgyu acted to be disgusted by the proposal "you little piece of s-" with that they started fighting.

The class went on rather smoothly, after class i was at my locker with my friends when Clara decided to  show up "so how does it feel to date the most popular guy in the school? Got the taste of fame right?" She mockingly said to me as if i am dating hum just for the fame "first to fall it feels great to date the best guy i have ever met and second i don't give a fuck about fame, everyone here is not like you Clara get that in your head" at this point we were catching others attention which was unwanted at least by me "lie all you want, though eventually you will get your little heart broken, he will be over you in no time" this times the words wounded me right in my insecurities but i didn't let it show in my face, i gotta be strong "whatever helps you to sleep at night" i smirked this time and took a step forward her "that boy is mine, get your shit together" i stormed off with that. I love Haruto with all my heart and won't let her interfare in our relationship. I went to bench in the garden of our school and sat there.

"You okay?" I looked up to see Doyoung "uh yeah" the sat beside me "you can share you know, i am a good friend" he gave me his appealing smile "well i got into a fight-" doyong cut me by saying "well about that, pretty much everyone in the school already know that" "what!" It's barely been 10 minutes and everyone already know about the clash "umm well the clips of the fight is everywhere" by saying that he took out his phone and showed me the clips along with comments from others.

User_cutie : Gosh it's about time she shows her colour, Haruto deserves better.

Unnie_noona^: what's gives Clara the audacity to question someone's relationship. That's so messed up.

Haruto_is_bae: oh no Haruto got in a relationship with such a arrogant girl, she will take advantage of him. 🥺

Asahi : Whoever is saying shits about Yujin, Imma kick you all out of the school and make sure you guys never get admission in any school and die being illiterate.

Yoshi : i agree with @asahi

People were divided in their opinion, i got emotional seeing how others were saying shitty stuffs about me but also i felt grateful to see my friends supporting me so much. "Yujin, please don't mind them, they are just some immature people who gets happy after bullying others" Doyoung tried to comfort Me but still I felt broken deep down. "YUJIN!" Haruto came running towards us and pulled me into a tight hug "and that's my cue to leave, stay strong my favourite couple" saying that Doyoung excused himself. This time I couldn't help but let my emotions be expressed, i sobbed into his arms as he comforted me "you are strong okay? You are important And i love you for you. Don't let others word affect you okay? I am always there for you no matter what happens. You mean the world to me" He is too good for this world.

After some times i finally calmed myself down "i love you Haruto" i hold his face and brought our face together in order to make our forehead to touch. "I love you more" he pulled me into a kiss this time.

We decided to skip class for that day, i already informed Jihoon about it. We crashed at our place. "gosh i am hungry" i said before throwing myself into the couch "wanna have the most famous dish from the most famous chef of the world" i giggled at his words. "Most obviously, but before that can i please know about this dish and chef as well" i played along with him "oh trust me you know both the dish as well as the chef with your whole heart" "uh huh? Is that so?" "Yes, my lady, the dish is none other than homemade  Ramen and the chef is Watanabe Haruto" i laughed at his childishness "sounds very fancy and famous to me" "because it is fancy and famous, you just wait for some time and rest magic will be done by Watanabe Haruto.

As Haruto went to cook, i took the time to get freshend up.  After some time Haruto called me.  "Woah it looks delicious" "Because it is delicious now take a bite and give me review" i immediately nodded and took a bite "This is the best ramen i ever had in my whole life!" Did i went a bit overboard with the compliments? Absolutely yes but do i regret? Heck no. He patted my head and started eating too. We spend the rest of the day watching a movie and then when it was getting late he left for home, though jihoon insisted him to stay for dinner but he said it wouldn't be possible as his parents were home after a long time.

In love with my nightmare // Watanabe HarutoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu