31 | Lilith

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Unknown's POV:
(The one who killed in the alleyway)

The cab came to halt right in front of the club, 'Beasts Of Witching-Hours'.

The name in itself is enough to know whom this club belongs to.
Beasts is the replacement for the monster and witching hours in place of night.

Night Monsters, the meaning of name Lilith.

(A/N: For those of you who don't remember, Lilith was mentioned in cast. Her real name, work, and everything is confidential or unknown.)

But the people are more clueless when the clue is right in front of their eyes.

That's just how the human mind works. If you tell them something simple, they won't believe it can be that simple. Their mind will manipulate them to think the non-existing reasons and excuses to justify simple problems.

Amazing, isn't it?

It's more astounding and deadly when you know how to use these features as the weakness and the tools to make things go your way.

It's truly a powerful feeling.

The art of controlling and manipulating people like a puppet and pulling strings according to my wish.

I stepped out of the cab, after paying the driver.

My penetrating gaze detected the noisy area. It was 2 am, yet the crowd of people were lined up to get entry inside the club.

I walked towards the entrance of the club, getting greeted by the guards on my way inside.

Inside the club, it was more crowded and the deafening roar of music was unpleasant to the sensitivity of my ears.

Further, the sweaty bodies of drunk people dancing to the music reeked of smoke and alcohol.

It was disgusting.

Making my way to the bar by passing through these stinky people ruined my already foul mood and the already throbbing headache more worse.

The bartender noticed as I reached the bar, and greeted me.

"You look as if you want to blow this place up along with people in it."

"Don't worry. If I do that, I'll let you know in advance, so you can save your ass." I replied, making it hard for him to figure whether I was joking or not.

"You scare me, just so you know." He passed me the close water bottle.

I opened the bottle before taking the sip. The water finally provided relieved to my dry throat and quenched my thirst.

"Doesn't I scare everyone?" I closed the bottle, staring at him through my dark, sinful eyes.

I saw him gulp in fear as he went to attend his customer.

Likewise, I placed the bottle on the bar counter, before walking to the end of the bar, where two guards guarded the narrow hallway which was going upstairs and downstairs, where only certain people were allowed.

The guards were making sure no drunkard or anyone searching for a place to do the nasty get in there.

And if anyone did, they were either drag out of there, and if they cause nuisances, they were drugged and dump at the corner or anywhere in the club.

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