24 | Egoistic little shit

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Kataleya's POV:

“I will take my leave now.” The cunning bastard grinned, getting up from the couch he was sitting on.

I tried to make him leave, but he wouldn't budge. In his words ‘I need to make sure you eat this because I wouldn't know if you throw it away.’

“The only good thing you are doing with your presence.” I grunted, getting up myself.

“Ahh I forgot. I added a new clause to our agreement.” He smiled.

I cocked an eyebrow at him, shooting him a disapproving grimace.

“What is it?” I asked, while he stood there beaming at me.

The tabloids lied. He is not a cold hearted disappointment, instead a ball of fucking sunshine that hurts my eyes to the extent that tempt me to put him out.

“We will be having all the meals of our day together. If you can't have them together, there needs to be a strong excuse for it.” He stated, his eyes, which I was lost in earlier, fixed at my face.

I narrowed my eyes at him, shoving my hands into my pants' pocket.

“How much chances are there for me to change your mind?” I asked.

He pretended to be deep in thoughts, rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger. He stopped and said “Almost close to none.”

Then I won't waste my time trying to convince him through some petty words. I would rather make a plan and do something to make him change his mind.

‘It was such a sweet gesture, but you will always ignore it. You are one cruel bitch’ Diana grumbled, clearly against all the thoughts that were running through my head.

“Then you can leave.” I continued, clearly not happy with his presence.

“See you at lunch, wifey!” He exclaimed. He turned to leave making me sigh with relief. However, he stopped midway and turned back to face me. I shut my eyes to calm myself down and glared at him, annoyed.

“What is it now? Just leave already!” I scowled, wanting nothing but to throw him out of my office.
I hate how easily he can get on my nerves.

“I forgot to ask, any preference for lunch?” He grinned. I was certain he was doing this on purpose. He was enjoying getting on my nerves.

So, I stared at him blankly, before saying “Yes. I prefer not to see you.”

He let out a throaty chuckle and replied.
“Woaahh! You really are a bitch. And besides, that my darling wife is not possible. Don't miss me too much.”

Egoistic little shit.

He winked at me before turning back to leave.

Seeing him leave, I shouted at his leaving figure.
“Send Kevin and Ms.Perez in while you leave.”

He didn't turn back, but he showed me a thumbs up and disappeared out of my sight.

Fucking finally.

I checked the interior of my office, as I wasn't able to do earlier because of a certain sly asshole.

When you enter the office, you will spot a apotheosis desk of black, reddish dark brown and gold color with a gray leathered revolving chair.

The walls were painted with gray, white and black paint in a triangular pattern design. The color combination went well with each other.
While the left side of the office from my desk, has the glass wall, giving the mesmerizing view of the New York city.

I walked upto my chair, and sat down on it. The feeling of expensive leather under my body made me feel comfortable.

I was finally where I wanted myself to be.
My palms finally had the Hernández Corp in them.

The knock on the door caught my attention, and in my raised voice, I said “Come in”.

Hearing me answer, the door was opened and both Kevin and Ms.Perez walked in.

“We already lost few of our precious minutes. Let's get to work, shall we?” I stated, before tearing my eyes away from their standing figure to the file that was sitting on my table.

I picked it up, assessing and going through it.

“Who approved this?” I looked up from the file, asking Ms.Perez.

“It was approved by Mr. Hernández.” She replied, fidgeting with a ring sitting in her index finger.

I scoffed, wondering how could he approve this shit project? Did he even read it through?

“How far are we into this?” I inquired.

“The preparations just started. We are not that far into it right now, Ms Hernández.” She informed without any hesitation and even stopped fidgeting her ring.

Good for her. I hate when people act nervous instead of hiding it and being professional about it. It irks me.

“Then send a notice to all the departments working on this project to stop it. Schedule a meeting in the next hour with the Planning department” I ordered her, while picking up another file.

“Mr. Walsh, help her in this. Until then, I'll go through all these files to get familiar with everything.” I didn't wait to hear their response.

Dismissing them, I picked one file out of the pile of 20 files sitting on my desk.

‘Royal Mirage’. The project name caught my attention. Putting the file, I picked earlier, back. I grabbed this file.

I carefully analyzed every paragraph written in it, and with every new page, I was getting more and more impressed.

‘Our brother is dumb. How could he reject this project? It's worth betting millons on!’ Diana exclaimed, impressed by the project.

‘I know. I need to meet the owner of this masterpiece.’ I told her, completely impressed by the efforts and imagination of the employee.

I checked the name of the employee before pressing the buzzer on my intercom and ordered,
“Send Mr. Seth O’sullivan of the planning department to my office.”

There are some questions I need to ask him along with a discussion on how to improve certain flaws in his work.

It's almost perfect, and almost is never enough. It needs to be perfect for my satisfaction.

I don't want to give anyone a chance to question me ruling. And those who did, I will make sure they regret it.

Call me an obsessive bitch, but I only want things my way, be it by fair means or foul.


A/N: How was it?

Your thoughts?
P.s. I am gonna make this story worth your precious wait❤

Anything you wanna see happening in the next chapter? You can drop ur recommendation here❤

And I hope you're liking the story so far.

Have a posssuuumest dayyy ahead!!

Lots of love


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