9~ Alyssa- Pay Back Part 1

Start from the beginning

 She handed me a long velvet box and ran back inside. I opened up the box and gasped almost dropping the box; inside was a plain sparkly silver chain. Slowly I took it out of the box with shaky hands. Who had given this to me? It looked like a lot of money. In the corner of my eye I saw a white piece of paper and removed it.

I ran back to the car and unfolded the note. "Who is that from, it's really pretty." Kyle leaned in between he two seats to look at the silver bracelet in my hand. "It is just a plain chain, that not very nice. Oh a note, read it out loud."

"Ok I will," I placed the bracelet down in the box as I held the note in the light. "The note says,

             'Dear A,

                        I would like you to know how I really feel about you. Here you have with you is a silver charm bracelet but it is lacking the charms. I have decided that over the next week or two I will have charms hidden for you to find. And on these charms I will have inscribed something I like about you. I hope you like it! (:

                                                                                    From anonymous.'"

"Awe, that's so sweet Aly. You going to keep it, I think you should it awesome. That guy is nice." Kyle sat back in his seat rambling on and on about the note and bracelet. This seemed so weird, who was this guy? I put the car in drive as I thought about what to do with this bracelet and anonymous person.


 I dropped Kyle of at Alex's house to have his mother take him to school. Alex hopped into my car when I pulled up.  I could feel Alex's gaze on me as I turned the corner, "can I help you?" 

"No, I was just thinking."

"About," I asked looking over to him.

"About how hot my fake girlfriend is." He smirked and looked outside.

"Oh ok, thanks." I mumbled.

"No problem babe." Alex slung his arm over the back of my seat.

"Ok so this is how it is going to work. We can act like normal. Like we aren't fake dating or anything, the whole fake dating comes into play later. So act natural like everyday Alex."

"Ok but why?" he pulled his arm back and looked at me intently.

"Because I'm getting him back in other ways first."

"And how are you going to do that? What are you going to do A?" Alex asked worriedly.

"Don't worry you'll see. You'll like it trust me." I made a hard right into the school.  I smirked remembering just what Jayden is in store for today and everyday of this week.

***Last Night***

            After tucking Kyle in I went to my room dressing in all black and tied my hair back into a ponytail. I tip-toed downstairs slowly and grabbed my keys, locking the door behind me before running off.

I ran down the street for about half an hour before the school came into view. It was a nice night out, a cool breeze brew and all was silent. The night was pitch black out with only source of light were the street lights. When I got to the school gates I quickly climbed over the fence and across the lawn to the back.

The guys and I knew the secret way into the school when we had to sneak out and then sneak back in for school without being seen. I walked up to the dumpster while keeping an eye open for the guards they have now after the indecent a couple years back.

(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now