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"Say mama," Dakota said slowly to ladybug while she tries to play with her toys. Buggie looks at me silently asking me to get her mother out of her space.

Buggie started blabbing to Dakota then turned to me again, "Da...Da" she let out slowly. I jump up from my seat on the couch with a huge smile picking my buggie up and throwing her in the air as she laughs.

"That's not fair," Dakota pouts from the floor. "It's okay baby. She'll say mama one day, right bugs?" I kiss my daughter's cheek before placing her back on the ground.

"Did you grow or sum? You look taller?" Dakota squints at my standing figure. "Do I look sexier?" I ask her with a wink and all she does is roll her eyes while smiling.

I look down at my girls, the way I'd give them the world if they asked.

"I'll cook tonight," I tell her before walking away into the kitchen.

A smile appears on my face as I hear her repeatedly saying 'mama' to Zia and Zia just saying 'dada'... what can I say my baby is a daddy's girl.

Soon her mommy will be a daddy's girl too.

Speaking of her mother here she comes walking into the kitchen staring me down. "Is there something on my face?" I ask her and her eyes search my whole face then land on my lips.

I bend down a bit and she takes the hint standing on her toes and placing a kiss on my lips. "I've been waiting for that for so long." I smile at her placing a kiss on her forehead before she walks back into the living room.

Did she come in here for a kiss? Gosh, I lo-like this woman so much.

"Hey, cara?" I call out to her as I start cooking. "Yes?" She turns her body looking at me. "I was thinking we could take a trip? Anywhere you like." Her smile was wide, "Okay." I smile as I watch her do some little dance in her seat.


"So you want to leave?" My dad ask me for the 20th time since I said it. "Yes dad, I'll turn everything over to Lorenzo," I explain once again.

"Just turn over everything Mafia-related and keep the money. Are you moving to the states?" He asked which made me think for a moment.

It is a lot more opportunities in the states than in Italy.

"Yes, I'm moving to the states," I confirm and he hums. "Okay, I'll get you set up." My dad tells me.

I was not expecting him to be this calm about this situation, I had a whole argument prepared in my head. Spent that extra 20 minutes in the shower for no reason.

"I'm proud of you son. I'm glad you want to make a name for yourself and do what you want to do." He says and I felt my eyes water.

It always feels like a big accomplishment when a parent says they're proud of you.

"Thank you, dad." We bid our goodbyes.

I get out of my car walking straight into the casino I'm supposed to be meeting Kevin. After this whole thing with Lorenzo, I'm leaving the mafia. Lorenzo was always more into it than me, to be honest.

"Oh if it isn't the worst family in the world," I laughed as I stare at Kevin with Dakota's family including her dad.

I'm known for changing plans at the last minute which is true cause it happened not too long ago. Kevin informed me about Dakota's family being there with him and I thought why not kidnap them all right now.

I mean it will speed up the process.

Unintentionally I look around the casino, a habit I picked up when I go anywhere... I see he had a couple of men visible and a few hidden but my men are trained in these situations so they'll know what to do.

I take a seat across from them.

"I thought I told you to bring Dakota to me," I don't know who he trying to show off for but he's making a big mistake.

I watch him gulp as I raise a brow at him. "You didn't ask me anything and I would watch who I'm talking to if I were you," my voice was low.

"Is Dakota okay?" Her egg donor asked nervously. "Well, I did just kill her boyfriend, the only person that actually cares about her cause obviously her family doesn't." I narrow my eyes at her.

I look at Kevin realizing he wasn't speaking, he had this dark look on his face. "First you were doing all this to get back at Laura and get your money back now you're sick ass wants a 22-year-old? You should be in jail." I had to laugh.

"On top of that what in your right mind do you think Dakota would want you? You half her age, sloppy, not even good looking, and you killed her boyfriend." I tilt my head a bit.

His hands slammed on the table as he stood up, "She will want me! I'll do everything in my power for her to want me!" he screams throwing a tantrum.

I think it's time to wrap this up.

I stand from my chair giving my men the signal to tranquilize them. One by one I hear bodies drop to the ground.

They don't even understand how mad Lorenzo is about this and Aiden flies back from Italy tonight and Aiden is one sick mother fucker.

I guess I'll go and watch.

• • •

YUHHHHH we're back in business.

shit about to get wickeddddddd

a mother's love is starting today😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

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