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You know this is what I get. I never take walks and the day I tried to be one of those girls that take walks it starts pouring.

Like you can not be serious.

Am I tripping?

I pause in my tracks hearing a baby crying.

Somebody needs to get they child. I look in the direction I hear the cries trying to be noisy but I come face to face with an alleyway.

Yeah no.

I turn my flash pointing to the alleyway. My eyes land on a hospital blanket that's shaped like a burrito in a milk crate.

Of course, it's me that will accidentally come across an abandoned baby.

On my first ever walk too.

Now, why would they put that baby in a milk crate? I scan the area of Alleyway before going over to the milk crate to get the baby.

Aw, it's so cute.

I hold the baby close to me trying to give it as much warmth as I can and speed walk the rest of the way to my house.

"Poor baby." I say softly as I see its red nose and cheeks. Grabbing a throw blanket I remove all of their clothes but their diaper and swaddle them.

"You're probably hungry and need to get change... I have nothing." I say more to myself as I look around my room. I call my mom already knowing she has to have something since she's a social worker.

• • •

"Sorry, it took so long. I was trying to separate things so it'll be easier for you." My mom says walking into the living room while I lightly bounce the baby.

"Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" She asked causing me to shake my head. "I didn't look yet." she nods handing me a basket thing almost like a shower caddy full of bath and diaper changing stuff.

"Here's a diaper and an outfit for tonight." I grab everything and make my way upstairs and into the bathroom.

I have a staredown with the sink and tub debating on which one I should use. Should eeny, meeny, miny, moe it?

Guess I'll wash them in the sink. That's what my sister did to my niece.

I make the water warm and slowly take off the diaper. It's like a gender reveal... and it's a... girl.

Uhhh baby girl clothes are so cute.

• • •

"So what you're going to do is put the water at 6 and add 3 scoops. Whatever you fill the water up to you put half. You will usually do 4 ounces of water and 2 scoops but the little baby is probably really hungry so we'll give her more.

After you make the bottle you put in the bottle warmer or if you don't need the bottle yet you can sit it in hot water. Make sure you check the temperature of the milk before giving it to her." My mom explains as I make the bottle one-handed while holding the little baby as she cries her life away.

Now usually I'll stay babies are dramatic but she's probably real-life hungry.

I shake the bottle while walking to the couch. I fix the position I'm holding her then give her the bottle and she starts eating.

Her eyes open looking up at me for the first time and my heart dies. "Hi, little baby" I say softly to her in a baby voice. I look up blinking quickly trying to fight back tears.

Man, I don't even know why I'm crying. This is so embarrassing.

"Well, what are you going to do with her?" My mother says causing me to stop staring at little baby and look over at her.

The hell she talking about? No way I can take care of a baby by myself and at my age.

"I think you will be fine." my mom says as if she can read my mind. I look away from her just staring at the little baby in my arms. "I'll give you tonight to think about it. I'll be back in the morning maybe afternoon." my mom says getting up and gathering her stuff.

"Call me if you need anything, literally anything." she says as she hugs me and walks out the door. I lock it behind her then make my way back over to the couch.

Little baby pushes out the bottle. I lift the bottle up looking at it in disbelief. "You could have drunk this little bit." I roll my eyes at the little bit of milk she left in there.

I sit her up holding her securely and then began to burp her.

• • •

"Okayyy" I say quietly putting her in the bassinet. I sit the stuff for her bottle on the nightstand then quickly jump in the shower.

I sigh out in relief that I was able to take a shower without her crying. I have to say that was the quickest shower I have ever taken.

I lay in bed thinking of all the cons there is adopting her but it seems like the pros outweigh the cons. I mean it is going to be hard but I believe I can do it.

Maybe this is supposed to happen.

My life motto has changed. It use to be fuck them kids now it's fuck them kids but little baby.

Enough thinking for today. Just as I close my eyes she starts to cry. Just great.

• • •


what do y'all think so far? first chapter is a little.... eh BUT TRUST🧍🏾‍♀️

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