Chapter 18

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***Marinette's POV***

We walked into his fathers office and he glared up at us. Adrien seemed to stiffen, as if he moved to much he father would strike him. 

"I heard you got into a fight with another model, and that you weren't working with miss Rossi." He snapped.

He then looked down at our conjoined hands. He raised an eye brow, but his cold stare stayed the same. 

"Father." Adrien said flatly "This is my girlfriend Marinette." 

To our surprise he let out a small cold laugh, before returning to his cold state.

"That doesn't explain why you refused to work, and got into a fight with another model. Besides I did not give consent to this."

Adrien's grip on my hand tightened. 

"Explain to me why this happened." Gabriel glared.

"I didn't work with Lila because she made me uncomfortable, and she kept touching me. I was asked to act like I liked her but I couldn't because I don't. I got into a fight with another model because he was hurting Marinette, I told him to back off and he didn't." Adrien said, just as cold as his father. It almost scared me, was this how he always acted in front of his father? 

"Well to me that just sounds like because of her..." He paused to look at me. 

I shrank slightly.

"You weren't able to do what you had been asked to do. You would've been able to pretend with miss Lila if you weren't dating the baker girl. You wouldn't have gotten into a fight with Francis if she hadn't been there, if you weren't wasting your time on the baker girl then we wouldn't have this problem."

I felt tears come to my eyes but I quickly blinked them away. This was no time to cry. 

"Don't talk about her like that, this isn't her fault!" Adrien snapped.

"Do not use that tone with me Adrien. You did not ask for permission to date her, so you will not date her. She would hurt our reputation."

"I will date her because I don't care about my stupid reputation!" 

Both me and Mr. Agreste looked shocked that Adrien just yelled. Sure I had heard him yell as Chat, but never as Adrien. 

"I'm sick and tired of having to keep us this stupid reputation, I just want a normal life. One were I can be with Marinette and not have to worried about my 'reputation', one where you love me, and care about me! One where you don't look at me like I'm a disappointment, someone you can use and dispose of! I'm sick and tired of it!" Adrien yelled.

His eyes were brimming with tears he was struggling to keep back. I let go of his hand and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms tightly around me but he kept his eyes on his father. I heard Gabriel get up from his desk. I let go of Adrien and turned back to him. He towered over me and was at least a head taller then Adrien. I felt tiny. He walked over and slapped Adrien. Adrien stood there, his expression blank, the mark already appearing. He hadn't even flinched. I looked up at Mr. Agreste. He looked unfazed by the fact he just hit his son. This must've happened before, and that infuriated me. I glared up at him and then he turned his attention to me. He looked like he was about to laugh. I thought of why, it must've been because a girl almost half his height was glaring at him. He raised his hand again, going to hit Adrien but I moved in front of him. It stung, and I had no idea how Adrien was so still, and seemed so calm. Even Gabriel seemed surprised that I moved in front of Adrien. Adrien quickly turned me around and checked my cheek. He looked ticked off, more than I had seem him for a long time. He glared up at his father, who laughed. I turned back around, it wasn't a hearty laugh, it was a cold, evil laugh. When he stopped he looked down at me.

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