Chapter 6

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***Marinette's POV***

When the bell rang everyone crowded around me. Asking me a million questions.

"Leave her alone!" Mrs.Bustier yelled.

Most of the kids walked away but there were still a couple kids. I got pushed to the ground and I whimpered when my arm hit the corner of a desk. Someone reached out there hand. I looked up to find Adrien. I looked over to Chloe and Lila. They both were glaring at me. Before I could make a decision, Adrien grabbed my hand and helped me up. He put a hand on my back and with Alya and Nino's help, got me out of the classroom. They dragged me to my house and closed the door behind them. They made me sit down in the kitchen and they all sat across from me. Unfortunately since we didn't have any more classes for the day, I didn't have a valid excuse out of this one.

"What is up with you?" Alya asked.


"Ugh! Stop lying to us Mari! We're your friends! You can talk to us!"

I flinched away, again expecting to get hit. Being around Lila and Chloe really got me scared of being hit apparently. She sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"I didn't mean to yell I'm sorry." she whispered, rubbing my back.

I looked up at Adrien. He was sitting awkwardly. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. He was shocked but then he hugged me back. I started crying again.

"I am, so sorry." I cried.

"Shh, it's ok." he muttered.

"N-no i-it's not!" I cried.

Alya joined the hug, soon after so did Nino.

"Mari you can tell us." Alya said softly.

So I made the biggest mistake of life, and told them everything. I told them about the threatening, how they had sent me hate notes, but I left out the suicide and self harming. They all were practically fuming.

"Please don't say anything!"

"Why! So these bitches can keep hurting you?!" Alya yelled.

"No because if you talk to them it will get worse!"

"Ok, we won't say anything. But if I see them hurting you-"

"You can go to town." I said.

"Good, now I'm going to make you dinner and then we'll head out."

"Ok." I muttered.

Alya made me dinner before she and Nino left. She made Adrien stay and watch me eat. It made me feel bad so I offered some to him but he denied, saying he wanted to just make sure I was ok. When I was done he left. I went and threw up most of the food. After that I went and washed my face. I heard someone in my room. I walked up to find Chat sitting on my chaise.

"There you are." he smiled softly "How was the rest of your day?" He asked.

"Bad." I muttered.


"I told my friends about Lila and Chloe."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"No because they'll try to do something about it and it'll only get worse for me." I cried.

He stood up and pulled me into a hug.

"It'll get better, I promise. Now do you have anything sharp left in your room?"

"No. Also I hope you realize when my parents get back, there going to want to know where all there baking stuff went. Alya also asked why I don't have like, any knives."

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