Rebel Base

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Arianne followed Ahsoka through the garage full of different ships at the rebel base. The guards stuck close by them and they all carried blasters. She felt like a person standing on actual soil in Coruscant, with all of those skyscrapers around her. Ahsoka carried her bags and they soon reached an elevator. Arianne and Ahsoka stepped into it and the guards remained in the garage. Arianne examined Ahsoka as they elevated to the main level of the headquarters. She was a Togurta. Arianne saw her lightsaber. The doors then opened and Ahsoka escorted Arianne out. She was awed by the headquarters. They were in a big room, the cockpit of the star destroyer. They walked on the high catwalk and Arianne saw the different people and rebels. Some were piloting the ship, making sure they weren't seen. Others were making maps. The remaining were taking calls from other rebel cells.

"This is amazing!" Arianne gasped.
"Welcome! This is the headquarters," Ahsoka said. "Well, one part of it anyway. The majority of it are dorms for undercover rebels. Another part is a hospital. The rest is a training facility to help the Jedi return."
"Wow...I didn't know you had all of this."
"Our job here is to help the rebel cells. Some of them are doing well and we send them on more missions. On the other hand, some of them are badly injured from a battle and we take them in and help them get back on their feet. Some people who's homes were destroyed also stay here. Many of them are in the hospital. However, most just need help so we either have them come in to get more weapons and training or we have them go into hiding here, like you."
"Me? Why me?"
"I could sense you lightyears away. At first, I had a huge doubt, but you've proven it to me. You have extraordinary power and talent inherited from your great great uncle-in-law. We need you to become a Jedi and help us rebel."
"I'm just not sure that I want to though."
"Why not?"
"I don't know if I want to be a Jedi."
"Well...we'll talk later. First, we need to get you set up in your room."

Ahsoka walked over to a nearby person set Arianne's bag down.

"Hey Tybalt. Arianne's here and she needs her room," Ahsoka said.
"Here you are, Ms. Tano," Tybalt handed her a card.
"Thanks! Will I see you at dinner?"
"I'll be there!"

Ahsoka returned to Arianne and she escorted her to her room. Arianne and Ahsoka ascended to two levels above and exited the elevator. They were making their way through a hallway of many doors. They must've been used for prisoners, Arianne thought. After a long time of walking, they finally reached Arianne's room. Ahsoka scanned the card and the doors slid open. Arianne followed her in and Ahsoka laid her bag down on the floor.

"Okay, here's your room," Ahsoka said.
"Really?" Arianne gasped, looking around. "This is all mine?"
"It's big, I know, but we don't have a lot of people on this ship. Most of them only stay a few nights and leave. This level you're on is permanent though. The levels above are all temporary and smaller. Make yourself at home."
"When's dinner?"
"In an hour. Since you're new, we'll be holding a banquet for new rebels tonight and you're required to attend. We'll be going over all of the rules. It's important you attend. The conference room is under 'Zagg'. I'll see you there after the normal dinner time."
"Good. Well...if you have any questions, feel free to call me."

Arianne smiled as Ahsoka left. Once the doors closed, she was all alone...again. The room she was given was nice. There was a bed in the corner, a communicator on the right side and next to it was a desk for work. It reminded her of the dorms in Order 66. There was a computer on the desk too. The large blank wall that stood in front of Arianne was actually a projector and television. There was a small door perpendicular to it that led to a small, yet functional bathroom. A little speaker was installed in the rooms too. A small dresser was at the foot of the bed, so Arianne began to unpack her clothes and belongings. She stuffed her clothes away and put her belongings on top of the dresser. A small simple clock was one of her belongings too. She set it on the dresser facing her bed. I have forty-five minutes left..., she thought to herself, Maybe I'll go explore the ship. Arianne left her room and began to head towards the elevator. As she descended down the elevator she was with many different people. She noticed that there was a level one for the garage, but what intrigued her was that there was a level "H". As the doors opened and closer leaving less and less people aboard, Arianne was the last one there. She curiously approached the keys and pressed it. She felt the elevator descend and waited for the doors to open. They didn't open though. After twice the time traveling, the doors opened and Arianne stepped out. She looked up and saw the various levels of the level. Otherwise known as the hospital level. She slowly walked around and saw a part of the hospital slope down into a ramp. There was another garage down there, but it was left open. There weren't TIEs in there though, there were small sleek white ships. They were long, but small. She looked out into space and saw one coming in. Arianne stepped out of the way and saw it land. Quickly, people began to push two gurneys up the ramp with injured people lying still in them. Arianne let them pass and without thinking, followed them. As she turned a corner, she was halted by a guard and two doors. The injured people and the "paramedics" must've gone through. The man stood in front of her. She stepped back and looked at him.

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