Secrets Are Problems

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"We're clear to exit the city," Sabine said on her comm as she walked around a corner.
"Okay. We're just leaving," Kanan replied.

Kanan walked back into the living room and gathered Ezra and Arianne.

"I didn't know that you stayed the whole night," Ezra said in shock.
"I didn't expect to, but...something just told me to," Arianne said.
"You looked uncomfortable. The way you slept. Maybe you should get some extra rest when we get back to The Ghost."
"You should to. You had a few fits last night."
"I thought I slept pretty peacefully."

Kanan was alarmed by the last few words Arianne said. Something was definitely wrong with Ezra. He just didn't know what. After they left the house, Kanan checked to make sure it was locked again. Then, they began to make their way back out into the crowded streets of Lothal. They wouldn't be doing the mission anymore. The SIA was everywhere. It was too dangerous. If they were to do something like that, they would attack and enter from the sky. Arianne, Kanan, Zeb, and Sabine all met where they entered the city. Hera was there, waiting for them. She was relived they were all safe. Right when they were on the ramp, Hera gave Kanan a hug. Arianne and Ezra trudged forward, up to their rooms. Same with Zeb and Sabine. All of them were tired.

"Hera, we need to talk," Kanan whispered.
"What about?" She asked.
"Last night, Ezra told me everything that happened to his parents when they were taken away. I'm afraid he's...changed."
"Change is good, right?"
"Not this kind."
"What happened? I'm interested."
"It's a long story."
"Maybe you should get some more rest."

Kanan sighed and then made his way up the ramp as Hera followed. She was less relieved now. Suddenly, Kanan stopped in his tracks.

"Also...this just isn't only about Ezra. It's about Arianne to," Kanan muttered.
"Something wrong didn't happen, right?" Hera gasped.
"No, not at all, but...Sabine found something. On her wrist."

Kanan took a deep breath.

"She's been in communication with the Empire," Kanan told Hera.
"What? But she's been so loyal! And kind!" Hera said.
"I don't know why she would do that, but we need to get that communication bracelet off of her to check to see if she's been using it. And to figure out who she's been talking to. Those devices can do anything! Track someone, common are with them, eavesdrop...."
"Hm...maybe I should talk to her."
"I don't know...all the teenagers on this ship are driving me nuts!"
"You could say that again!"


Arianne was lying on her bed. She was playing with the white bracelet on her wrist. Why did I answer her?, Arianne continued to ask herself, They're never going to forgive me! Arianne wanted to take apart the bracelet, but she knew she couldn't. Rosa had given it to her when they first met. When they were younger, they would often pretend to be bounty hunters, like her uncle, and cpwould communicate through these small bracelets. Arianne closed her eyes and thought of the conversation she had with Rosa the night before the last mission. The conversation was in the very room she shared with Sabine. Arianne was shuffling through her bag of belongings and came upon something metallic as she accidentally threw the bag in the corner. A metallic noise sounded. Arianne returned to the bag and opened it up as she searched for the metal object. Then her hand grasped the bracelet and she pulled it out. The minuscule screen told her she had missed quite a few messages from the paired bracelet that belonged to Rosa. Arianne scoped out the room, then the hallway. No one was around. Just then, the bracelet began to vibrate in her hands as she got another call from Rosa. And Arianne answered it.

"Arianne, where are you? Are you okay?" Rosa shouted into the small object. "We heard the news!"
"Rosa, Rosa, Rosa!" Arianne said to calm her friend. "I'm fine."
"I don't even know what to say to you right now. The entire school was just informed that you ran away to become a rebel! Is this true?"
"It''s true...."
"You don't sound too happy. Did they force you to become a rebel?"
"What? No! I chose to become a rebel."
"Well, I'm really upset. You said that you'd be friends with me for life, but you ran away from me! And everyone! I don't even know you anymore!"
"Rosa...don't hate me...."
"I do."
"Wait, let me explain."
"I'm just upset that you betrayed the Empire...and me."
"I thought you would be yelling at me to come back to Coruscant."
"Look, as a friend, I just want to talk to you and be the person there who you come to when you're having a mid-life crisis. You kind of just threw away our friendship when you left. I just wish you had at least told me you were leaving!"
"I would have, would've changed my decision if I did. Being with the Empire is not right. Rosa, we've always wanted to do good, but...being an imperial isn't what we should be doing if we want to do good for others. Right now, I'm doing everything I ever wanted with the rebels."
"I'm not sure what I should do right now. I've got a lot on my mind now...I think I should just go."
"Wait! I'm sorry that in the last few days on Coruscant that I haven't talked to you. But...this is what I want to do."
"Listen, I've been teachers have been making me think. Is my loyalty with you? Or my Empire? I could get a really good job with the Empire after this."
"Woah! Are you seriously thinking information on me and the rebels to the Empire?"
"Arianne, you're a rebel now! Any person who leaves the Empire is no friend of mine! I'm sorry, but helping defend the Empire is my job. This year we had to we wanted as kids...I'm becoming a bounty hunter. I'm leaving after this year to go to the imperial academy for training. But this time...I'm not alone. Your brother already left for the academy, and I have a spot reserved."
"What? Rosa! How could you?"
"How could you betray me and the Empire? And your parents? You're no friend of mine. I wish I had never met you, Arianne Maria DeSoto! You back-stabber!"

An Imperial Affliction [Star Wars Rebels] [UNFINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now