One Last Time

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"I'm putting on the shield," Hera said as her finger hit a button.

Now, the ship's identity is sealed from the Empire as they approach Capital City. Arianne looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was braided. Her armor was shined and she had her blasters ready and loaded. She stepped out of her room and slowly made her way to the ramp. As she was just about to take a step forward, Ezra came out of his room and walked up behind her.

"Nervous?" He asked.
"A little," she replied.

They quickened their pace and quickly arrived at the ramp. They were both the first two there. Arianne and Ezra casually stood next to each other.

"I had a crazy dream last night," Arianne said.
"Really? What was it about?" Ezra curiously inquired.
"It was about a galaxy without the Empire."
"Wow! That sounds like quite a dream!"
"Yea. It was nice. But I never met you. Or the crew. It was pretty peaceful though."
"I'm sure we would've met sooner or later."
"Probably. Maybe I forgot that part of the dream. I only remembered the part about the Empire not exsisting."

Ezra felt a pulse from the force that made him nervous. But the pulse felt comforting in a way. Arianne grabbed his hand again and he held it tight. They looked at each other. Arianne wrapped her arms around Ezra's neck and he grabbed her waist.

"Do you think we're going to get interrupted again?" Arianne looked up at Ezra.
"I'm almost certain," Ezra laughed.
"Let's try one last time."

They leaned their heads in and sure enough, Kanan came with Zeb. Arianne and Ezra quickly pulled away before they noticed. Soon after they came down, Sabine and Hera descended down the ladder. Everyone was going in. Ezra and Arianne were still shocked that they were interrupted again. We still haven't kissed!, Arianne and Ezra both simultaneously thought. Everyone got situated and Kanan stepped in the middle.

"Okay, Hera and I switched up the plan a bit," Kanan began. "We're not going to have Chopper get involved in this mission. He's going to stay here, on the ship to call for backup if we need it. Also, we're going to stay in groups of two. We won't have one person enter through the roof and another create a distraction while the rest of us get in through the back way. We're all going to enter through the roof, but from different points. We're going to stay relatively close in case we get caught. And...another change. Zeb, you won't be with Ezra. Sabine, you won't be with Arianne. I know this sounds crazy, but, Arianne, you're going to be with Ezra. Sabine and Zeb will be a team, and Hera and I will be a team. Got it?"
"Got it!" Everyone nodded.
"Chopper, let's go," Kanan said through his comm.

Arianne felt the ship jolt forward a little as they accelerated. She looked over at Ezra who was staring at a vent. She was beginning to wonder if he heard Kanan.

"Hey, did you hear him?" Arianne lightly tapped Ezra's shoulder.
"Oh yea!" Ezra looked at her, coming out of his small trance. "I remember. I'm excited."
"You don't sound excited."
"I'm just a little worried. This mission is huge and--"
"You won't lose anyone. Look around. We're all right here."

Ezra nodded at Arianne and she smiled back. Before they knew it, they jumped from the moving ship onto the roof of the government. Ezra and Kanan made holes with their lightsaber. Zeb and Sabine entered the same hole as Arianne and Ezra. Kanan and Hera went in another. Then the chaos began. Zeb went down first. Then Sabine. They ran off to make a distraction. Then it was their turn. Ezra first, then Arianne. They ran to the nearest vent and began to crawl through the air ducts. All they needed to do was get to one of the main control rooms and create an exit for Kanan, Hera, and themselves. Ezra and Arianne jumped down and landed in a hallway with dividers that turned on and off. Arianne and Ezra walked up to one divider and waited for it to turn off. Once it did, they dashed to the other section.

An Imperial Affliction [Star Wars Rebels] [UNFINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now