Izuku Midoriya

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Angst time peeps >:)


"Y/n" his sweet voice spoke as he called softly for the person next to him

"Why won't you love me" he said not waiting for a response from them while he slowly clutched their hand

"I've done everything for you, I want to be your only, why won't you just love me... Why can't we be together, why y/n?" He said and still got no response

He just stroked his hand through their hair while watching them closely.

"Shh shh shh it's okay, I'll always be right here, and you will always be my perfect lover won't you" he asked while fiddling with their hair

"Y/n you make me so happy you know that" he said as izuku leaned down to put his head in Y/n's chest

"Your perfect, absolutely perfect, and you won't rot away even like this" he said as he chuckled while petting their hair

He slowly sat back up before tucking their arms at their sides

"Sweet dreams my love" he said while closing the glass case

Their where many things special about that case
Gold engravings, sweet flowers that lined it as it sat on top of a table, and a body to lay inside of it and be shown off through the glass lid


A person doomed to be obsessed over by a man who did the unthinkable by killing them

And now he kept you as his trophy, his sweet prized possession

"Until our next chat"

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