Monoma Neito

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Warning: your gonna be like
Oh no he didn't gurl



Ahhh yes
Class 1-A
And class 1-B

Natural enemies one might say, mostly on the account of Monama Neito hating their guts for stealing the spotlight.

But for some odd reason the daily impishly pestering he did against the class lost its...pizazz if you will.

With a bored sigh Monama looked at his lone pea left in the bowl, it made him irked how bored he became over the last few months.

"You okay Monama, it's not like you to sigh" Kendo the red head asked and he simply placed his chin in his hand while moving the pea with one chopstick of his letting it roll back and forth.

"I'm perfectly fine, it's not like I don't have a reason to be, after all the mirror was absolutely stunning today" he said with one of his cunning smirks

Kendo rolled her eyes "of course your fine" she said while going back to eating her noodles.

But he was a little hurt she didn't notice just how down he was, in fact at one point he was pissed because why would they call it seasonal depression if it doesn't end when the seasons over.

"Indeed" he mumbled before he flicked the small vegetable once again.


The park was like a small safe haven for many people
Children could play
Adults could relax outside
People could meet up with friends and lovers
Or you could be a lonely and bored teenager aspiring to be a hero but feeling like you could never be one with how awful you really act to people who are nice to you.
He just wished someone wouldn't give up on him so easy when he's rude
Well ask and ye shall receive because there you where

The afternoon sky was closed off from the teens mind as he shut his eyes but once he opened them he saw you tossing seeds on the other side of the bench to the birds that cooed for the special treats.

He looked at you for a moment and back to the birds then to you once again.

You noticed this from the corner of your eye and held out the bag of bird seed to him shaking it slightly.

"Wanna feed them" you said and he looked at the bag with a sneer
"Now why in the world would I want to feed those parasites" he said sitting straight
You just shrugged your shoulders and reached your hand in the bag before tossing it out to the birds

"I'm l/n y/n, by the way" you said with a slight smile as you watched the birds

"Ugh, I didn't ask, but it be rude to not reply, Monama Neito" he said greeting you in his own rude way

You just looked at him wondering if his attitude was serious before chuckling slightly and nodding at him.

You set the bag between you two
"So, what's a guy like you doing all here" you asked and he raised his brow at you
"Pardon, a guy like me?" He questioned and you chuckled

"Yeah, you seem all mopey, so what's got ya down?" You asked tossing out yet another handful

"Why is that any of your concern, it's rude to ask that you know" he said and you shrugged while still watching the birds

"Well, you looked a little sad, so I want to cheer you up, besides it's not a high chance you'll see some stranger again if you did talk about what's bugging you" you said and the birds pecked at each other for seeds.

He sat for a minute and he studied your features realizing just how good looking you were, to him at least. But to hell with what other people thought because he'd go so far as to say you where the hottest person out there.

"Ugh, I guess it wouldn't hurt, so behold, my personal view on my predicament"


So maybe talking to you was a mistake
Or not
Well not to him but if you knew just how much he liked you you would think so.

You two had been hanging out for almost a month now and became great friends, dare I say nearly a couple.

But currently he was a little angry here.

You had a run in with Bakugou, and while you didn't go to this school you still conversed with him and told him about what happened between you and the loud blonde

Apparently the blond helped you after hurting you on accident.
Not only that but the blonde dared to ask for your number and that irked him more than anything.

So after a month long streak of not being an ass to the class of 1-A he finally felt like it.

So he got his lunch and walked his way over to the table where Bakugou Katsuki said

Standing in front of the walking anger issues he smirked tauntingly at him

"Well well, look at the pest disguised as a douchebag, who would have known you'd find a mutt on campus grounds" Monama said with a laugh

"The fuck did you say to me!" Bakugou growled

"You heard me dog" Monama said darkly "I've had enough of your shit for once, be as loud and obnoxious and narcissist as you like but what you did is unfortunately not going to slide past me" Monama laughed out without a hint of humor

"The fuck do you mean, I haven't done shit you brain damaged ass" he said crossing his arms
"You shut up! You know exactly what you did, you know l/n, the stunning person with the (h/c) hair and shimmering (e/c) eyes, hmm?" Monama asked and Bakugou narrowed his glare

"Yeah, what about and them!" He growled standing up slowly as if he was trying to be menacing, but Monama was far too angry to care

"You see, your little mutt nose must be wrong, because your pissing on my territory bitch" Monama growled

Katsukis eyes went wide noticing a dark glint he's only seen in the eyes of a killer before
He flashed back to the sludge villain incident and his confidence wavered
If he wasn't careful
This man would kill him

"And what if I am" Katsuki tested the waters gently as if seeing where Monama would snap

Monama just let out a silent giggle while he picked up his chopsticks and poked at his food

"Well, naturally when a dog sees a some stray in his territory, he bites" Monama said as he picked up some noodles before mixing them around
"And if I see that you so much as text my beloved... I'll serve them your head on a plater" he said and Bakugou took a small step back but his expression never changed

Monama let out a little laugh as he placed his chopsticks right next to his small bowl of rice and at this point the whole cafeteria watched closely at the two bickering
Monama casually used one finger to move his chopstick making a piece of rice fly at Katsuki and stick right to the his cheek and Katsuki flinched back and glared at the specks of food in disgust while some people gasped
"With a side dish of course, no meal is ever truly complete without rice" Monama laughed like he had just made a kind joke with a close friend before turning around and taking a seat while Katsuki stood in shock.

He didn't doubt monamas words

And it was a good thing he didn't
Because you where currently in your room rocking back and forth while clutching your head after finding your father's finger with his wedding band still attached right outside your door.

Courtesy of a secret admirer, aka: Monama Neito

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