Kirishima Ejiro

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"Welcome one welcome all, to the carnival of horror, the house of hell, or as many like to call it, The home of doom, enjoy the festivities, because tonight, is very special for our new stage leader, he gets to chose his very first assistant from the crowd" the announcer spoke in a taunting voice.

You sat on the benches with popcorn in hand ready for the terrifying show that would take place,and you weren't sure how it would go but one way or another you planned to get scared.

Then up came the showman, his top hat resting on red hair that laid flat down and his ruby red eyes scanning through the crowd.

"Welcome to the show guys, girls, and ghosts, for we shall make you nightmares a reality, and your mind a little twisted, everything here is merely an act however, so don't worry you little heads, and enjoy" he spoke as the lights started to dim

"For my first act, I shall make my chosen assistant from the crowd appear directly on stage" he spoke softly through the dimming lights

The whole place was suddenly pitch black and the crowd gasped loudly.

In a matter of seconds there was a bright white light on stage shining over the red haired man and you let out a sigh of relief not wanting to be stuck in the darkness for so long.

"Now. Be. A-m-azed" he spoke as he flashed a few cards in front of his face you swore his eyes that were outlined by eyeliner had bore into your own as he smiled slightly.

"You" he said not breaking eye contact and suddenly you felt like you were zipping fast through a plain of nothingness.
And suddenly as he dropped he cards on the stage you appeared right there in front of him with shock on your face

You did a double take on where you were and finally looked at him as he held out his hand

"Might I know your name" he asked and you nodded slowly before speaking

"Y/n... I'm y/n" you said still wondering how you ended up on stage

"Well now y/n do you want to be my assistant" he said wiggling his fingers asking you to shake his hand

You thought about it, and the idea of helping with this mysterious and strange act for the night made you curious. So hesitantly you brought your hand to his, that was covered in a white glove, and shook it.



You beat the box and slammed against the top of it trying with all the strength you had to get out.

You cursed yourself with one final push that still didn't work as you plopped down out of breath and furrowed your brows as you remembered what happened.

He got you with a disappearing trick.

In the box.
And gone to some other place.
Well that's what it was to the crowd.
To you it was in the box and land somewhere unknown before getting dragged to a tent and stuffed in another box to avoid suspicion by the passerbys.

It had been about 30 minutes since that happened, and as odd as it sounded you wanted to know how you ended up outside of the giant circus tent you where in before.

You where prepared to slam against the box again but you heard footsteps approach closer to you and you stayed stalk still as you waited for them to get closer to the big box that left you a little room for movement.

You waited with nothing but your breath before you heard a voice.

That voice was the stage leader.

"I can hear you panicking in there, I bet you want out don't you" he said and you heard what you assumed to be his fingers drag across the top.

"Let me out!" You screamed and punched the top to warn him

"Oh, your very antsy to get out, then let me help you with that" he said and you heard him snap his fingers and the moment you blinked you opened your eyes to see that you where outside of the dark box and instead in a tent that was very spacious.

It only had a few thing in it however, like a makeup stand a long mirror and a rack full of outfits.

"Why am I here" you demanded as you set your eyes on the red haired "magician" of sorts.

He was a little different as the hat was off and his hair was styled upwards in spikes while his eyeliner was more prominent and dark, but he somehow still looked slightly attractive.

"Because you agreed to be here dearest" he spoke as he stepped closer making you try to back away only to feel heavy chains clink around you

You looked down to see you were now chained up around the waist and arms leaving you to struggle

"For precaution" he said simply as he walked closer

"What are you going to do with me, why am I here, why me" you said as you struggled with the chains and he just rolled his eyes at your actions

"Your here because you agreed to be, its you because I chose you, and as for what I'm going to do to you..." He paused to step closer as he placed a hand on your cheek and you shivered in fear

"I'm going to love you"

You sat there blankly before blinking once, then twice and your face finally went to confusion

"What!?" You said while raising your eyebrow

"You heard me, I'm going to love you, after all I was running out of time, I had to chose an assistant before my people turned on me, that's the way it goes, like Santa Claus without a Mrs. Claus, or a book without a cover, if I didn't get an assistant, I would lose my powers, but you already agreed to be my assistant... I know this must be hard" he took a break from his words to trail his thumb to your lower lip " but think of your agreement and sort of... An engagement" he said cheering up as he let his hand fall before walking behind the chair and draping his arms over your shoulder

"An engagement that you can't back out of... Ever"
That sent chills up your spine as his breath trailed across your cheek
You wondered if you would ever be able to get out.

"Because you know the saying... Behind every great magician, is an assistant~"

Yandere MHA x reader one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें