Katsuki Bakugou

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Frome here on out every chapter is yandere owo.

I hate (love) you


The night air was chilly and you felt the sweet embrace of the warmer breeze flow past you while you walked on.
You knew such a late visit to the park would be a bad idea but you couldn't help it when the setting sun was so mesmerizing
But now it was dark out and the stars where the only audience to lay witness to the next events.

A new pair of footsteps graced the side walk and made you look behind subtly and you noticed the one and only bakugou right behind you.
He didn't like you... And you weren't about to start some fight when you felt so calm a moment ago.
But he had other plans.
You ignored his close proximity and picked up your pace by a barely noticeable speed only for him to get closer and place a hand on your shoulder from behind.
"Oi, don't ignore me dumbass, I know you saw me" he said and his grip was like a million boulders stacked on one shoulder  even if it wasn't really that heavy or tight.
"What do you need Bakugou" you said slightly turning your head and he let his grip fall so you could turn around
There was this look on his face
It was sad and confused but gentle and caring
You felt bad for him, but you also wanted to stay in that caring gaze for a little longer
But that face faded away and back to his normal grouchy look before he spoke
"I need to know... Why I hate you so much" he said
And that's when the sympathy left you... You were confused and upset. But mostly angry that you could ever think he would go to you while he's sad.
"Are you kidding me?" You said out loud, you felt hurt but held in the anger, you didn't want to yell at him, not today atleast.
"I don't know why you hate me. I don't know why you insist on fighting me, and I don't know why you bother being around me if you hate me, that's something you have to figure out yourself because I don't know, and while your at it... Don't come near me anymore" you said and just walked away
None of it was angry speech or rage... It was just pure dissapointment, and he stood there and listened to it all without a word.
But if only you knew what he felt when you said to not go near him.
If only you knew what he was going to do
If only you knew what you triggered, practically snapping a rubber band in half to release it's hold on the pent up emotion he had inside him
If only you knew...

The next day you couldn't put your finger on it but Bakugou had changed... He didn't go up and start a fight, he didn't shout every word of his, and above all he ignored you like the plague.

"Hey L/N-chann do you know what's up with Kacchan" Izuku asked and you sighed out
"I might" you stated bluntly making Izuku raise a brow as you looked at Katsuki from across the room
"L/n, I don't think it would be your fault, he's always starting fights with you, so it shouldn't make him upset if you did something he does every day" Uraraka said from beside you while putting her hand on your shoulder reassuringly
"Thanks Ura" you said with a smile
Completely unaware of the glareing eyes on you at the moment.
Sleep, that's all you wanted as you pulled the covers up, PJs on and ready to dream.
Of course good sleep is always interrupted by the stupidest and strangest of things.
Of course you awoke to something far beyond strange.
You practically suffocated from a strange moving in your mouth that touched every crease of your mouth.
At first you thought the slowly moving thing was a parasite so you freaked out trying to push and sit up only to find you were pinned by a heavy weight.

You tried to push back when you realized the feeling was a person laying on you with their tongue in your mouth.
You thrashed and pushed and finally the foreign wetness had left your mouth and you immediately tried to scream only to have a hand put over your mouth.
"MHMEUCK" you tried to scream but nothing was sounded out right
As you thrashed more a familiar voice then shushed in your ear making you stop in your tracks.
"Shut up if you don't want to get us in trouble" he said as he stopped all his strange and sexual actions.
"If I let go will you scream" he asked but it had a hidden threat behind it.
You glared at him but still stiffly nodded making him slowly let go of just your mouth.
"Bakugou... What's happening... Why where you kissing me" you hissed at him under your breath
"You said to figure out this emotion by myself dumbass, I figured it out and kissing you seems to help it be put at ease, so shut up and deal with it" he said before crashing his lips onto yours and pulling on your tongue with his own
You really wanted to question more... But you couldn't deny how good it felt
You gave in for a second... That's all it took for him to pull you closet before you realized something
How the hell did he get in your house... HOW THE HELL DID HE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE.
You panicked and pulled your head away while he made tch sound to signal his displeasure.
"How did you get in here bakugou, and how do you know where I live" you growled out and he simply smirked
"I'll answer your questions at a cost" he said while tightening his grip by a fraction
"Fine... What do you want" you said after a moment of silence
He smirked even wider if possible, and he let out a deep chuckle that didn't last long
"I want you to say my name. My first name" he said and you cringed at the thought... But only because you hated that you liked the idea
"K-katsuki" you said and he laughed a bit
"I got in through the window" he said as he sniffed your neck a bit
"And how you know where I live?" You asked while he looked back up from your neck
"Alright... You have to date me for that answer" he said and you tensed up
Your face rose with heat and your heart pounded
"W-why... What if I don't..." You said and he frowned a bit
"Well I said date me because I want you to, and if you don't... Do you really want to find out" he said with an angry fire in his eyes
You shuddered under his stare and you slowly said the word "o-okay-"
He smirked and proceeded to say the most terrifying words you had ever heard
"I followed you home~"

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