Aizawa Shota

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Warning: daddy kink?

I'm going to try and make updates everyday until this is finally finished so they might be a little short


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Forget the fact that you where being chased mile high down an alley way.

You were in pain

Lots of it

Your swollen ankle and sore muscles had you slowing down little by little every second, only for you to pick it back up out of fear.

Fear of what you ask

Fear of getting caught.

Caught by your coworker from U.A high

You may have just been an ordinary teacher that taught technology class but the homeroom teacher always had to be there since you weren't of the hero community like every other teacher was.

And that's how he slowly became obsessed with you.

A few weeks after getting your job you were captured and brought to "live" as his "significant other".

And you hadn't been outside since. Until now that is.

"Here kitty kitty. Come on, daddy's not gonna hurt you" he cooed as you turned a corner and ducked behind a pile of trash crates to give your pulsing ankle a rest.

You tried to quiet your breathing as you heard him get closer and your heart beat against your chest.

Right as he stopped in front of the crates you froze in place not daring to move a muscle as you where far too afraid.

There was absolute silence as you wondered if he thought you were there or not.

But then his footsteps started to move away and after a second or two of listening in you heard them disappear

But that wouldn't satisfy you, you waited for a solid 3 minutes before you finally relaxed in place and let out a sigh of relief

"There you are kitty"

"NO PLEASE NO" you shouted as a hand clasped over your shoulder while an arm suddenly held you back by wrapping around your top half

" Daddy's got you now, ¶{¡††¥~"


It's nothing much but here

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