Midoryia Izuku

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WARNING:mentions of threatening suicide please be cautious

"Hello sweetheart~" you said
"Oh, good morning darling~" he replied back with both of you putting a humourous emphasis on the nicknames
You both held back small snickers as he sat next to you with your arm wrapped over his shoulders
"Lovely morning isn't it" you said as you tapped his cheek with your nose and he snickered out while planting a kiss on your forehead
"Only with you around" he replied
But this wasn't real
It was all a rouse in an act that kept you safe from harm.
It all started about a week ago when you where attacked by school bullies.
They didn't like you and they kept up the harming, unfortunately you couldn't use your quirk against them without legal consequences. Of course you where allowed to use your quirk outside... Just not to harm others.
So you were stuck with sheer muscle strength, against one or two yeah you could manage, but FIVE people, you wouldn't last... And you definitely didn't.
But turns out having your best friend around helped, especially since they feared him.
So he proposed a plan
You and him announce that your "Dateing" and you get left alone by the school bullies who fear that he's protecting you
That's just the perk of your class cinnamon roll Izuku Midoryia. He was sweet and hardly lost his temper, he cared for you and made sure you where protected at all costs even if it meant getting mad at people.
But you were simply fake dateing.... Right?... Yeah, definitely... Fake.
After school you walked together he was prepared to stay the night at your house as he had brought a night bag with him that he stored in his shoe locker.
"You sure have alot of stuff for one night dummy" you teased and he sweat dropped while rubbing the back of his neck
"W-well it's good to be prepared" he nervously laughed out and you laughed with
"You sound like class rep" you said with another light hearted laugh
But for some reason he wasn't laughing with like he usually would
"Y/n... Do you like him" he said and his whole demeanor was different than before
It was dark and intimidating rather than the usual light hearted and nervous wreck
Your face rose up in a blush and you coughed nervously "I... Um well... There's-.... A bit of emotion there for Iida...maybe... More than a bit... Butitsnotabigdealimeanhesnotthatgreatreallyicouldlikeanyoneyouknow!" (but it's not a big deal I mean he's not the great really, I could like anyone you know!)
You spat out in your defense
That only seemed to make Izukus aura darker that before and you almost wouldn't notice if it weren't for the lash mark on the ground but he lost control of his quirk for a second
You looked at the ground where it was cracked and looked back at him wide eyed and stepped towards him with your hand out
"Hey man are you okay" You tried to put your hand on his shoulder but he stopped you by holding his hand up and saying " I'm fine" while not looking at you
You knew that was a lie and you tried to ignore it but it made you sad to see your freind so hurt
It was the middle of the night when you woke up. You had fallen asleep in your room while watching a movie with Izuku.
Speaking of Izuku
It surprised you when you noticed a heavy breathing next to you and a really angry Izuku
He was mumbling incoherent words at a terrifying speed as he held his phone in his hand
He was facing away from you and you could see a slightly fading screen signalling that he hasn't used the phone for a minute or two
But you could still see the photo app open and the faint silhouette of a sleeping person caught your eye before the phone screen went black
You raised and eyebrow
It was suspicious that he had someone sleeping on his phone
Heck it was suspicious that he was having a silent rage right next to your bed
But not as much suspicious as it was worrisome
"I-izuku... Bro are you okay" you said putting your hand on his shoulder making him freeze in place and the mumbling stopped
Then his head slowly turned to face you from a side glance

It was terrifying to see his wide eyes and crazed smile.
His eyes had bags under them while his mouth showed far to many teeth that glinted in the moonlight through the window.

Your whole body froze and you just looked at his eyes as he slowly stood up and gripped your wrists tightly

"Y/n... Oh dear y/n!" He said as he laughed
You tried to squirm away but he clutched tighter making you wince
"Let go!" You said knowing your wrists would bruise if he didn't loosen up
"NO...you have the audacity, liking another person... When we're dateing... That's not right.. It's not fair... How dare you" your eyes went wide and you squirmed more when you heard that
"You said we were faking our relationship, what do you mean!!" You silent yelled in a panic
"You and I both know it's no longer fake, look at the way we talk, the way we hold hands the way we get close and whisper sweet nothings even if nobody can hear us. it's all to real for you to not be faking it" he said with another phycopathic laugh
"Izuku no. You said it was all fake, we agreed I'm not your real lover, I don't want to date you so please stop it!" You yelled

You saw him practically break there and then
His grip loosened and tears pooled over at his eyes as he inhaled sharply
He slowly let go and slipped off of you before walking backwards and away from you
He seemed shocked and too broken to realize anything around him until he backed up into his bag and halted immediately
He then got a relived smile on his face as he dove down to his bag and dug through it
"W-what are you doing, Izuku are you okay, why are you acting like this" you asked as you backed into the wall beside your bed
He laughed and he seemed to have found something that made him relax.

"Isn't it obvious, I can't live without you, I love you so much it hurts to be rejected like this... I can't live if you don't live me back!!!" He said and pulled out a long kitchen knife that glimmered at the tip as if to show how sharp it is
You gasped out loud as he held it to his chest
"I know what I have to do, I have to cut out my heart for you!!! That will prove my love!!! I won't live without you!!" He said and he looked at you with crazed eyes threatening to stab himself through the chest
"WAIT!! I'll date you please don't do it our relationship is real I promise I'll date you just don't kill yourself!!" You pleaded and he stopped crying immediately
"Do you love me" he said while lightening his grip on the knife
"I..." The moment you hesitated he tightened his grip again and you panicked more
"I love you, I love you alot please drop the knife" you panicked and he let out a sigh of relief before tossing the knife aside and skipped over to you
"I want you to kiss me to prove it" he said and you hesitated until you saw him prepare to back up
You slowly pulled him down in a kiss and he deepened it with a smile spreading through.

"See, I'm not that hard to love, such a good puppy" he said while caressing your face
Turns out to him fake... Means more than real

Yandere MHA x reader one shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora